- Find Jobs and Explore Career Paths
Explore jobs through major job listing websites or find a job based on skills and past experience.
- Job Searching Websites/Sitios web de búsqueda de empleo en español (Printable Handout) - Major job websites, State, Local, and Specialized
- SkillExplorer - Find information about similar jobs based on past experience and skills
- O*Net Online - Explore careers, find wages, training resources, and military occupation equivalents
- Apprenticeship Awareness Toolkit - Explore apprenticeships in Wisconsin
- Get Ready to Apply for Jobs
Keep personal information (such as job history or reference contacts) in one place and create resumes and cover letters.
- Resume and Cover Letters (Printable Handout) - Read and watch tutorials on resumes or cover letters
- Resume and Cover Letter Builders (Printable Handout) - Online tools to create resumes and over letters
- Job Search and Career Advice en español (Handout)
- Practice Job Application - Use this website to practice filling out job applications. You can even print the results.
- Get Ready for Job Interviews - Websites and YouTube videos to help you in your next job interview.
- Apply for Unemployment Insurance
Learn how to apply for Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance and submit required weekly claim forms.
- My Unemployment Wisconsin - Access Wisconsin Unemployment Insurance benefit services, also available in Español
- Handbook for Claimants - Provides details on applying and receiving unemployment benefits. Español and Lus Hmoob.
- Explore State Resources
Use job hunting tools from Wisconsin's Department of Workforce Development and other state resources.
- Dislocated Worker Information - Find resources for dislocated ('laid off') workers from the Department of Workforce Development
- JobCenterofWisconsin.com - Find resources for job seekers, employers, and labor market data
- Resources for Veterans - Employment resources for veterans
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Employment resources for people with disabilities
- Farmers Changing Careers - Farm-to-Non-Farm Career Resources
- Explore Job Programs and Community Resources by County
Locate valuable information such as employment and training programs, transportation, and services by county.
- Overcome Barriers to Employment
Barriers to Employment are life situations or characteristics that keep people from working. Here are a few common ones, and resources to help.
- Age:
- Youth (Ages 16-24)
- Getmyfuture.gov - Information about working as a teen, includes job skills needed and programs available to teens.
- Employment of Minors and Work Permits - Information regarding age restrictions and work permits
- Age 50+
- AARP Work and Jobs - Tools directed at older workers (50+) searching for employment
- Department of Workforce Development: Older Worker Toolkit - Resources for older job seekers
- Workforce50.com - Jobs and advice for older and experienced workers
- Youth (Ages 16-24)
- Disability:
- AskEARN: Job-Seeker Resources - Non-profit organizations and federal programs for job-seekers with disabilities
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Information for job seekers with disabilities, employers, and service providers
- Career Information for Students with Disabilities - Information and links to resources for students with disabilities entering the workforce.
- Language barriers:
- Búsqueda de empleo - Job search and information in Spanish from CareerOneStop
- Bilingual Job Resources - Resources and information for job seekers in Spanish and Lus Hmoob (Hmong)
- Newcomer Status:
- Working in the US (Trabajar en los Estados Unidos) - Explains how to work in the US as a non-citizen
- Evaluation of Foreign Degrees - Accrediting organizations for training received outside the U.S.
- Refugee Services - Developed by the Wisconsin Department for Children and Families
- Ex-Offender:
- LIFT Wisconsin: Provides legal assistance to Dane County residents, including: eligible criminal record removals, dismissed evictions, and other legal challenges. Legal Tune Up is an app and website that can find and in certain circumstances remove criminal records; reinstate drivers licenses; remove eviction records; etc.
- Wisconsin Free Legal Answers: Free legal advice for those that qualify. Additional resources available for everyone.
- Fair Shake.net - Resources for recently, or soon-to-be-released incarcerated individuals
- Fiscaltiger.com/job-help-for-felons/ - A Career Guide and Employment Resource for Former Offenders
- Reentry Ready Resources - UW Extension - Financial advice and information for ex-offenders
- People Experiencing Homelessness:
- I am Homeless or at Risk of Becoming Homeless - Find where to have mail sent, homeless service agencies, and other valuable resources.
- Age:
- Computer Skills
Use these resources to learn email and computer basics.
- Computer Skills - Learn to use the computer for work and in life.
- CustomGuide: Computer Basics Quick Reference Guide (Easily printed)
- DigitalLearn: Learn computer basics, including Microsoft Windows 10, Microsoft Word, email, resume skills, and many other skills.
- GCFGlobal: Learn computer basics, including Microsoft Office, mouse skills, typing skills, internet basics, internet safety, and many other skills.
- Northstar Digital Literacy: Build Your Skills: Learn how to use a computer, navigate the internet, use email, and search for a career
- Computación básica: Aprende cómo empezar a usar un computador desde el principio, cuáles son sus partes, cómo conectarlo e instalar programas. Computer basics in Spanish from GCFlearnfree.
- Education and Training
Brush up on skills, or find out something new with training programs.
- Workplace Skills Training - Learn workplace skills
- Training Programs - Find training programs through the Job Center of Wisconsin
- Wisconsin Technical College System - Links to the technical and career colleges in the state.
- Services and Supports
Find services and programs to support families.
- Navigating State Resources - Statewide Links A - Z - Connect to statewide services for help with everything from healthcare to housing, childcare to job assistance.
- 2-1-1 Wisconsin - UnitedWay of Wisconsin's statewide service provider and assistance search.
- ACCESS - Wisconsin's website to apply to programs for health, nutrition, childcare, and employment. Guide to apply available in multiple languages including - Lus Cob Qhia (Hmong) and Guía para postularse (Spanish).
- Food
- Food Support Resources - Information about the food program for low-income residents
- Wisconsin Food Pantries - Food pantries in select cities
- Housing - wihousingsearch.org - Search for housing, including low-income, senior, and for people with disabilities. Includes a resource page with shelter and supportive housing listings
- Transportation - Transportation Resources - Please note: resources and programs are not available in all South Central Library System counties.
- Health
- Free or Low-Cost Healthcare Clinics
- Covering Wisconsin - How-To Sheets - Learn how to find and use health insurance
- Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator - Search for mental health services by location
- Childcare
- Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Information on childcare programs in the state, including subsidized childcare programs for low-income families
- Search for childcare - Look for licensed, accredited childcare. Also available en espanol.
Provide feedback about this page
For more information and assistance with these web resources contact: mjochem [at] scls.info (Mark Jochem)