SCLS Administrative Council Minutes

SCLS HQ – Chester Room
October 10, 2022, 10:00 a. m.

Virtual Meeting online and in-person


Action Items: 

Approved the formation of the 2023 AC Officers nomination committee

: R. Daley (1), R. Staveness (2), E. Clauss (3), L. Oathout (4), J. Porter (6) J. Ramsey (7), W. Rawson (8), T. Herold (9-10), M. Gartler, S. Lee, M. Navarre Saaf (11-13)

(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)  

Absent: J. Bergin (5)

Guest: Jocelyn Sansing (MID)

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: J. Anderson, C. Baumann, V. Teal Lovely, M. Van Pelt

Call to Order:  L. Oathout, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.  

a.   Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.   Changes/Addition to the Agenda: Add Other discussion:  SCLS Foundation

c.    Requests to address the Council: None


Approval of previous meeting minutes: 9/15/2022 AC Minutes

a. Motion: T. Herold moved approval of the 9/15/2022 AC Minutes. W. Rawson seconded.

b. Changes or Corrections:  None
c. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action items:

a. Form AC 2023 Officers nomination committee:  T. Herold, J. Porter, and L. Oathout volunteered to serve on the nomination committee.

i. Motion:  L. Oathout moved approval of the AC 2023 Officers nomination committee.  R. Staveness seconded.

ii. Discussion:  None
iii. Vote:  Motion carried.

Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a. Delivery Committee- Met 10/13/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online. 

b. ILS Committee – Met 10/5/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the ILS report.   

c. Technology Committee – Met 10/5/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the Technology Report.

d. Consultants: You may view the report in the AC documents online.    

e. Library Innovation Subcommittee:   Met 10/11/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  

f. Building Needs Assessment Work Group:  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  M. Van Pelt noted we cannot close on the new property until late November because it is on a ground lease and the airport has to review and sign off on the ground lease.  SCLS staff will be touring the new building today to inventory what is available such as data jacks, offices, etc.  Construction on the building will go to bid 2/1/2023.  The HQ lease ends May 31, 2023.  The data center has to be installed prior to staff moving into the new facility.

Items from clusters for initial discussion:  None

Other Discussion:

a. At the November All Directors meeting, SCLS would like to codify voting for Delivery, Advantage, OverDrive – anything that is fee based.  Keep it the way we do it now but have the directors approve that the weighted voting formula listed in the Technology agreement is what we use. 

               We are asking the directors to vote to agree to use the same formula for non-technology items. 

               b. At the November All Directors meeting, we hope to discuss with directors how they want to conduct All Directors meetings in future i.e. some 100% virtual, some hybrid?  Want them in person?   A survey will be sent following the November meeting to gather input for future AD meetings in 2023.

               The afternoon CE following the November All Directors meeting will be in person only. 
c. Foundation: M. Van Pelt shared the SCLS Foundation website and noted the board of directors is looking for a public library representative on the board.  N. Studnicka, PLA, has been the rep for several years and is resigning from the board in 2023.  The Foundation board meets four times a year and the meetings are hybrid.  The Foundation Board determines how to spend the funds that have been raised.  Please contact M. Van Pelt if you are interested in serving.   

Meeting evaluation and Summary: 


Next meeting:
November 17 All Directors (Waunakee P. L.), December 15 AC


Adjournment:  11:13 a.m.


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
