SCLS Administrative Council Minutes

SCLS HQ – Chester Room
December 15, 2022, 10:00 a. m.

Virtual Meeting online and in-person


Action Items: 

Approved to Activate and create a Technology Services Cost Formula Work Group for 2024

: R. Daley (1), R. Staveness (2), L. Oathout (4), J. Porter (6) J. Ramsey (7), W. Rawson (8), T. Herold (9-10), M. Gartler, S. Lee, M. Navarre Saaf (11-13)

(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)  

Absent: E. Clauss (3), J. Bergin (5)

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: J. Anderson, V. Teal Lovely, M. Van Pelt

Call to Order:  L. Oathout, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m.  

a.   Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.   Changes/Addition to the Agenda: None

c.    Requests to address the Council: None


Approval of previous meeting minutes: 10/20/2022 AC Minutes, 11/17/2022 AD Minutes

a. Motion: W. Rawson moved approval of the 10/20/2022 AC Minutes and 11/17/2022 AD Minutes.  J. Ramsey seconded.

b. Changes or Corrections:  None
c. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action items:

a.   Activate and create a Technology Services Cost Formula Work Group for 2024.  The work group will not be reviewing or adjusting formulas.  There are several issues including start-up costs, an additional unexpected network fee, and the issue that we are no longer collecting enough in fees to support pcs since they are declining.  Discussion will include raising the pc support fees.  The Technology Services Agreement will be revised to update cybersecurity issues, which will need to go to AC and SCLS Board for approval.

d.   i. Motion:  T. Herold moved approval to Activate and create a Technology Services Cost Formula Work Group for 2024.  M. Gartler seconded.
ii. Discussion:  None
iii. Vote:  Motion carried.
Volunteers on the committee include:  W. Rawson, M. Navarre Saaf, L. Oathout, DCL rep, R. Daley, and L. White.   Will need a rep from Cluster 2 and 6. Their reps will reach out to their counties.  V. Teal Lovely will reach out to Green County.   

Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a. Delivery Committee- Met 12/08/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online. 

b. ILS Committee – Met 12/7/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the ILS report.   

c. Technology Committee – Met 12/7/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the Technology Report.
        i. Technology Services Cost Formula Work Group for 2024.  There will be two meetings held and several AC members volunteered to serve on the work group for the 2024 fees.

d. Consultants: You may view the report in the AC documents online. 

e. Library Innovation Subcommittee:   Met 12/13/2022.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  SCLS will be purchasing a “team building kit” with left over funds for member libraries to use.

f.  Building Needs Assessment Work Group:  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  M. Van Pelt noted we purchased the building at 1650 Pankratz.  The data center will be switched over the end of May 2023.  Bids will go out in February.

g. Nomination Committee:  2023 slate of officers: Chair – Jim Ramsey, STO; Vice Chair – Tracy Herold, DCL
 i. Motion:  R. Staveness moved approval of the 2023 slate of officers.  R. Daley seconded. 
 ii. Discussion:  None
iii. Vote:  Motion carried.

Items from clusters for initial discussion:  None

Other Discussion:


Meeting evaluation and Summary: 


Next meeting:
January 19, 2023 New Cluster Representatives’ orientation


Adjournment:  10:41 a.m.


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
