SCLS Administrative Council Minutes

February 15, 2024, 10:00 a. m.

SCLS Headquarters


Action Items:   None
Present: N. Menzel (1), R. Staveness (2), L. Oathout (4), J. Bergin (5), J. Porter (6), J. Ramsey (7), J. Gretzinger (8), T. Herold (9-10), M. Warren, M. Navarre Saaf, M. Gartler (11-13)

(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)  

Absent: B. Massei (3),

Recorder:  H. Moe 

SCLS Staff Present: J. Anderson, C. Baumann, V. Teal Lovely, M. Van Pelt

Call to Order:  T. Herold called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.  

a.   Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.   Changes/Addition to the Agenda: None

c.    Requests to address the Council: M. Van Pelt requested that T. Herold attend a SCLS Board meeting this year.


Approval of previous meeting minutes: 1/18/2024 AC Minutes

                        a. Motion:  J. Porter moved approval of the 1/18/2024 AC Minutes.  N. Menzel seconded.

b. Discussion:  None
c. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action items: None

Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a. Delivery Committee- Met 2/08/2024.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.  

b. ILS Committee – Met 2/7/2024.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the ILS report. 

c. Technology Committee – Met 2/7/2024.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online as well as the Technology Report. 
        i. Technology Cost Formula Work Group for 2025: The work group will be reviewing the infrastructure network, ILS and licensing costs.  The two goals are to reduce fees for small libraries and stabilize fees for the rest of the libraries.

d. Consultants: You may view the report in the documents online. 

e. Library Innovation Subcommittee:   Will meet 2/2/2024.  You may view the action items and details in the minutes of the last meeting online.   

Items from clusters for initial discussion:  None

Other Discussion: 

a. March All Directors Meeting Agenda – It will be a half day meeting and the budget and service priorities for 2025 will be discussed.  Jamboards will be available for directors to use.  A budget webinar will be available a week prior to the meeting.  A presentation on the upcoming changes to the 2024 annual report will be provided to assist the directors in planning.

There will be a ribbon cutting and retirement party for M. Van Pelt on February 22nd at 2:00 p.m.  The AC committee thanked Marty for her service to SCLS.                      

Next meeting:
3/21/2024 – All Directors Meeting 100% Virtual


Meeting evaluation and Summary: 


Adjournment:  10:41a.m.


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt.

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
