SCLS Administrative Council Meeting Agenda

SCLS Headquarters

June 20, 2024, 10:00 a. m
virtual and in person



Login information:
Meeting ID:  899 5952 5487

Passcode:  HKQwQ8CB

Please remember to mute your microphone during the meeting.


Meeting Documents:

1.       Call to Order – Chair

a.       Introduction of guests/visitors

b.       Changes/Addition to the Agenda

c.       Requests to address the Council


2.       Approval of previous meeting minutes:  April 18, 2024 AC minutes; May 16, 2024 All Director Minutes

3.       Action items

a.       Approve voting shares for July All Directors fees votes

                                                               i.      Delivery

                                                             ii.      Technology Services

1.       Infrastructure

2.       Network Services

3.       PC Support

4.       ILS Services & GetIt

                                                           iii.      OverDrive

                                                           iv.      SCLS Advantage

                                                             v.      OverDrive magazines


b.       Approve Tech Services Cost Formula changes


4.       Department Reports and actions of committees/workgroups

a.       Delivery Committee- C. Baumann

b.       ILS Committee – V. Teal Lovely

c.       Technology Committee – V. Teal Lovely

d.       Consultants – J. Anderson

e.       Library Innovation Subcommittee  - J. Anderson

5.       Items from clusters for initial discussion

  1. Discussion

7.       Plan for next Meeting
a.            All Directors Meeting – July 18, 2024 at Fitchburg

8.       Adjournment


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Shannon Schultz. 


SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
