SCLS Administrative Council Agenda
Thursday, August 19, 2021 10:00 a. m.
SCLS Headquarters
Hybrid Meeting = in person and using virtual Blue Jeans option.  If attending in person, masks are required

Login information:
Phone: 1-866-226-4650 and use access code: 461-0318-2019.  Press the # button to enter meeting as a participant.

Web site:  (There is no password for participants).

If a participant is asked to download software, they can choose to bypass this (join via browser).

Please remember to mute your microphone during the meeting.

When speaking please identify yourself to the group each time.  Thanks!


Meeting Documents:

1.       Call to Order

a.       Introduction of guests/visitors

b.       Changes/Addition to the Agenda

c.       Requests to address the Council

2.       Approval of previous meeting minutes:  June 17th AC Minutes;   July 15th  All Directors Meeting Minutes

3.       Action items: 


4.       Reports of action of committees/workgroups

a.       Delivery Committee- C. Baumann

b.       ILS Committee –  V. Teal Lovely

c.       Technology Committee – V. Teal Lovely

d.       Consultants –  M. Ibach

e.       Library Innovation Subcommittee  - M. Ibach

f.        Building Needs Assessment Work Group – M. Van Pelt


5.       Items from clusters for initial discussion


6.       Other discussion

a.       SCLS 2022-2024 Strategic Plan and 2021 survey results


7.       Next meeting: 
AC Meeting – September 16th 

Agenda items to include 2022 SCLS system plan and budget


8.       Adjournment


For more information about the Administrative Council, contact Martha Van Pelt. 

SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
