South Central Library System Board of Trustees Minutes
1/26/2023, 12:15 p.m.

Chester Room
4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite 101, Madison, WI  53718

Meeting held via BlueJeans & in person

Action Items: 
Approved the election of officers for 2023


Present: D. Berland, B. Clendenning, P. Cox, S. Feith, N. Foth, M. Furgal, E. Galanter, J. Honl, M. Nelson, G. Poulson, J. Sayer, T. Walske, J. Wright

Absent: N. Brien, T. Teelin

Excused:  L. Ross

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: M. Van Pelt, K. Goeden

Guests: D. Flanigan, Keller Inc.


Call to Order: 12:15 p.m.  G. Poulson, President

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors:  Jessica Sayer and David Berland, newly appointed Dane County Representatives to the board, were introduced.

b.     Requests to address the Board:  None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 12/16/2022

a.   Motion:  P. Cox moved approval of the 12/16/2022 minutes.  T. Walske seconded.    
b.   Changes or corrections:  None

            c.   Vote:  Motion carried. 2 abstentions


Financial Statements:  K. Goeden provided an overview of the financial statements.   S. Feith had a ground lease question.  K. Goeden noted our auditor instructed us to record it as it was presented.  E. Galanter inquired about fundraising for SCLS.  T. Walske noted the SCLS Foundation raises funds through the Cornerstone event.

Bills for Payments:  The payment amount is $683,538.86

a.   Motion:  T. Walske reviewed the bills for payment and moved approval.  N. Foth seconded.

b.   Discussion:  

            c.    Vote:  Motion carried.

Presentation: Discussion of Building Project: 
D. Flanigan noted the building plans will go to bid 2/2/23.  The bid opening will be 3/2/2023 at the Pankratz location and N. Brien volunteered to read the bids.  Keller will analyze the bids and bring their recommendation to the board in March for approval. 

Committee Reports: 

Need to hear from folks regarding committees that they want to serve.  G. Poulson will be contacting trustees to serve.

a. Advocacy:  Legislative Day is Feb 7th.  You may still sign up to attend on-site at Madison Public Library on the day of the event. 

b. Finance 2023 committee meeting dates:  June 13th at 1:30 (joint meeting with Personnel) to review the mid-year budget, 8/15 pm at 1:30  to finalize 2024 budget.  P. Cox noted he will continue to serve on the committee.

c. Personnel Committees:  2023 Committee meeting dates. Will meet 2/6 at 9:00 prior to the next board meeting to review employee handbook revisions and 6/22 at 11:00 for the director 6 month check in.  J. Honl, chair, will remain on the Personnel committee as well as S. Feith.
d. Bylaws:  Reactivate and form a committee that can meet this year to review.  J. Honl volunteered to serve on the committee.
d. Building Needs Assessment Work Group:  M. Van Pelt noted the details of what the group has been working on, such as approval of a landscaping plan and the electrical and data plan.   Maintenance agreements, such as snow removal, HVAC, fire extinguisher/fire alarm/ sprinklers, are in the works for the Pankratz site.    


Action Items:  None


Recess the January Board Meeting for the Purpose of Conducting the 2023 SCLS Annual Meeting

i. Motion: S. Feith moved to recess the January Board Meeting for the Purpose of Conducting the 2023 Annual Meeting. M. Furgal seconded

                        ii. Discussion:  None

                        iii. Vote:  Motion carried.


I. Convene the 2023 SCLS Annual Meeting

            a. Election of Officers – Nomination Committee

                        President:  Gary Poulson
                        Vice President:  Joan Honl

                        Secretary:  Mary Nelson

                        Treasurer:  Nancy Foth


i. Motion: M. Furgal moved approval of the 2023 slate of officers as presented.  P. Cox seconded.

                        ii. Discussion:  None

                        iii. Vote:  Motion carried.


M. Nelson moved to adjourn the Annual Meeting and reconvene the January SCLS Board meeting. T. Walske seconded.  Motion carried.


SCLS Foundation Report:  M. Van Pelt noted there is an opening on the foundation board for a board member.  $13, 865.22 was raised at the last Cornerstone. 

System Director's Report:  You may view the System Director report online.  Marathon County Public Library voted NOT to join SCLS.  They are staying with Wisconsin Valley Library Service.  Deb Haeffner has worked for SCLS for 40 years!


            a. SCLS Time line for 2024 Budget

            b. 2023 Schedule for Meeting Topics

c. 2023 Board Education Topics:  If there are topics you would like, please let M. Van Pelt know.  S. Feith requested a financial statement presentation in March by K. Goeden.   

            d. 2023 Committee Assignments

e. Revision of Technology Services Agreement:   The main reason for the revisions is based on cybersecurity concerns.  While SCLS has cybersecurity insurance, in the past it was mainly to cover the cost of informing libraries and patrons if a breach to the patron database occurred and the cost of reloading data or rebuilding the database.  Cyber threats have escalated to continual hacking attacks/attempts and ransomware.  The increased needed protection comes at a higher price and insurance companies are requiring more proof of clients’ safety protocols and how they partition various services and databases. The SCLS cybersecurity insurance policy does not cover SCLS member libraries. SCLS has met with its insurance provider and attorney to revise its “Agreement to Participate in SCLS Technology Services” to strengthen the language involving cybersecurity. 


The new agreement will be signed by all SCLS member libraries whether they pay for technology services or not.  SCLS provides some technology services like Office 365, database authentication, web hosting and cooperative equipment purchases for no charge to its members.  Up until now, members who received free services did not sign an agreement.  This will clarify that even if something is free, SCLS holds no liability for the service provided.


As part of the discussion around the new agreement, SCLS will be encouraging members to make sure that they have cybersecurity insurance.  Along with the improved insurance, SCLS will continue to do everything in its power to build a strong defense against intrusions, hacking or other incidents of misuse to its network, equipment or software.  Part of that defense is to make the member libraries aware that both of us need to take precautions and be proactive in protecting our shared computer system.


Administrative Council (AC) Report:  Met 1/19/2023.  You may view the minutes online. 

Other Business:  M. Nelson noted she read an article from Pat Behling, formers SCLS trustee.  E. Galanter stated Emily St. John Mandel, author of The Glass Hotel, Station Eleven and Sea of Tranquility, will be at the Monona Terrace at noon on 4/17/23.

Information sharing

Adjournment:  1:30 p.m.


For more information about the Board of Trustees, contact Martha Van Pelt
