South Central Library System Board of Trustees Agenda
Thursday June 27, 2024 12:15 p.m.

1650 Pankratz, Madison WI 53704
In-person with virtual access also


The Zoom link for the meeting is:


Meeting Documents:

1.         Call to Order

            a.         Introduction of guests/visitors

            b.         Requests to address the Board 


2.               Approval of previous meeting minutes:  5/23/2024


3.               Financial Statements: K. Goeden


4.               Presentation and Approval of Bills for Payment: H. St. Maurice


5.               Presentation

a.      Financial Statements Overview: K. Goeden

b.     2024 Mid-Year Budget: M. Nelson

6.               Committee Reports

a.      Advocacy

b.     Budget & Finance/Personnel:  2024 Mid-year Budget  

7.               Action Items

a.      Accept the recommendation to approve 2024 Mid-Year Budget & Notes from committees

b.     Approve 2025 Agreement for Cataloging Services between SCLS and Madison Public Library (no changes)

c.      Approve change to the 2025 PC Support Fee (Rate per PC)


8.               Discussion:

a.      Upcoming Strategic Planning Process: S. Schultz


9.         SCLS Foundation Report: S. Schultz

10.       System Director’s Report: S. Schultz


11.       Administrative Council (AC) Report – Met June 16, 2024

12.       Information sharing:


13.       Adjournment:




Circulation & ILL Statistics – May
Online Resources Usage Statistics by Library

System Director’s Report – May

Consultants, Delivery, ILS, Technology Reports
2024 Mid-Year Budget
2024 Mid-Year Budget Notes

Statutory Resource Services Agreement for 2025

Supplementary Services Agreement for 2025
2025 Cataloging Services between SCLS and MPL
2025 Technology Cost Formula


If you are unable to attend this meeting, please notify the system office at (608) 246-7970. The person listed as examiner for the bills for payment should arrive by 11:30 a.m.  H. Moe e-mail:

