Building Needs Assessment Work Group Minutes

April 6, 2023 10:00 am.



Jean Anderson             SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Corey Baumann          SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Kerrie Goeden             SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Deb Haeffner              SCLS Building Consultant
Jesse Stewart              SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                     SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                  

Martha Van Pelt          SCLS Director 


Devin Flanigan            Keller Inc.

Excused:                      Time was incorrect on the agenda

Nan Brien                    SCLS Board Trustee

Gary Poulson               SCLS Board Trustee and Chair


1. Call to Order

A.      Introduction of guests/visitors

i.        Devin Flanigan Keller, Inc

B.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda; Add discussion of sunsetting BNAW

C.      Public comments


2. Approval of previous meeting minutes:  March 16, 2023

a.         Motion by J. Stewart to approve the minutes

b.         Second by J. Anderson

c.         Approved


3. Reports

A.      Biltmore Leases

K. Goeden reach out to St. Johns who gave SCLS until the end of April 2023 to give notice of their lease termination date at Biltmore Lane.


B.      Auction Update:

Listed movable walls and white boards for sale with WI Surplus Online Auctions

Auction closes April 10, 2023.

Keller will take down and dismantle the divider walls and white boards.  The winning bidders will remove items.


C.      Bird Safe Glass and Garbage Enclosure Updates

a.      Reduced the size of the one window in the delivery plans, therefore don’t need bird glass.  Approved by the City of Madison.  Results in a cost savings of nearly $15,000.

b.      Contractor will reuse materials from existing garbage enclosure.  Results in a cost savings of nearly $10,000.


D.     Moving Committee Update

a.      Yerges was hired and their contract was signed.

b.      Moving labels are ready to go.

c.       We will move 3 large rolling garbage cans out for admin staff to use


E.      Data Center

a.      Hoping to receive the building permit by end of April 2023

b.      Electrician first week in May

c.       Transformer moved second week May 8-17th

d.      Stud wall and equipment work start as soon as building permit is received.


F.       CT Cabinet and Panel Update – Ordered through Viking Electric

a.      CT 5/31/2023

b.      Panel 11/17/2023


G.     MUFN install updates

a.      MOU signed by SCLS and waiting for MUFN to sign, but MUFN has approval to cut PO to hire contractor, then have to wait on City of Madison for permit.


H.     MG&E and transformer updates

a.      Scheduled for May 8. Need to get secondary power in first.  Need permit for secondary power but not to move transformer.


I.        TEACH/Badgernet Install – AT&T

a.      New plan: W. Allington worked with AT&T/Badgernet.  New construction will be done including laying new fiber and conduit for Badgernet.  VoIP is separate and will be run in a new and different conduit.  Tyler Swenson is contact for AT&T.   Resulting in new demarc within Data Center.  Asking Charter/Spectrum to remove equipment from data closet.  Don’t need to worry about Charter anymore. TEACH/Badgernet, MUFN, AT&T at Pankratz on Monday, 4/10.  We hope the phone AT&T folks will be at Pankratz too.  Not confirmed. 


J.        Construction/Installation Schedule


K.      General Timeline Update

o   April 10:  Data and owner info with electrician 1:00 pm , AT&T & MUFN 2:00pm

o   April 17 and 24:  Job site meetings 1:30

o   Week of April 24: Access delivers data center equipment to Pankratz

o   April 25:  Ground Breaking celebration 4:00-6:00 pm

o   April 26:  Carpet cleaning at Pankratz

o   May 1:  Cubicle Space, Review installation with cubicle supplier (OFW), helping electrician understand expectations

o   May 8 – 17:  Transformer relocation, Power outage for the majority of this timeframe

o   May 18 & 19:  Cubicles installed

o   May 23-26:  Yerges moving HQ to Pankratz


4. Discussion Items


A.      Flooring

·         Carpet patching

o   D. Flanigan did not receive plan from Rebekah yet.

o   Can install studs right over existing carpet.  Work Group good with that plan.

o   Data Center back half, Keller will remove carpet and put down concrete densifier.  Leave carpet in other half of data center.  Can pull out entire delivery/classroom room worth of carpet to reuse.  Can also build delivery offices on top of carpet.

·         Rebekah’s floor plan showing patching locations

·         Schedule contractor onsite to discuss

B.      Cubicles

§  Any electrical or data questions to address during May 1st walkthrough?

§  Have Will Allington attend meeting also on May 1 at 2:00 pm to answer any data-related questions for cubicle room.


C.      Groundbreaking Celebration

§  Plan program and party details. 

·         Invitations have been sent.

·         J. Anderson is taking care of food.

·         Mama Meg’s Ice Cream truck for dessert

·         Cranberry Creek will cater food $1,200 minimum

o   No alcohol and no servers, clean up the next day

o   Will have food indoors in reception/lobby area

·         Tent to cover digging area and speakers.  K. Goeden has a 10x20 ft tent if needed.  K. Goeden will contact Event Essentials regarding renting a larger tent for stage and ceremony area.

·         ARPA tents available from libraries

·         Will use PA system for the ceremony speeches, etc. and then will use PA system to play music for the celebration portion of the event.  J. Anderson has reserved 2 PA’s – one indoor and one outdoor

·         Ground breaking: Keller will bring in a pile of dirt for the “ground breaking” and will provide shovels.  Keller will also move the porta potty away from the front door.

·         Web page up – R. Ziech , Posted on Facebook as well – M. Jochem

·         Southeast corner will be site for shovels and breaking ground.

·         Red trucks on site to promote Delivery

D.     Sunset Work Group

Board work is done.  Job site meetings begin April 10, 2023. K. Goeden and M. Van Pelt will attend job site meetings with D. Flanigan and will report back to staff and board. 

Keller does not need BNAW meetings after data center is done.

Construction Contract has M. Van Pelt, K. Goeden, and C. Baumann authorized to make changes.

Continue new building meetings internally with SCLS staff to communicate updates

Board will receive monthly reports at board meetings

Will have action item to approve sunsetting BNAW at April SCLS board meeting.  Have May 4 be the last BNAW meeting.

Baumann made a motion to sunset the BNAW after their May 4 meeting.

J. Anderson seconded

Motion passed.

On May 18 staff & Devin will meet for 1 hour on Blue Jeans.


5. Topics tabled for Upcoming meetings:

·         Schedule Admin and Delivery meetings to discuss shared HR and filing spaces

·         Outline plan of how SCLS will operate during construction post Memorial Day.


6. Homework for Next Meeting: 

a.         Van Pelt will reach out to Steve Conway about Rep. Tony Kurtz speaking at ground breaking.

b.         SCLS Rent a tent – K. Goeden

c.         Keller move porta-potty, bring signage for back drop and bring in dirt for ground breaking

e.         J. Stewart and D. Haeffner will get an estimate and design for the front door’s vinyl lettering.  Hopefully install before the ground breaking.


7. Next Meeting:  April 20, 2023


8. Adjournment: 11:58 am


Parking Lot: