Building Needs Assessment Work Group Minutes

November 4, 2021 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.




Corey Baumann          SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Kerrie Goeden             SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Deb Haeffner              SCLS Building & Design Consultant

Mark Ibach                  SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Jesse Stewart              SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                     SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                   

Martha Van Pelt          SCLS Director

Kristi Williams             SCLS Board Trustee


Devin Flanigan            Keller Inc. Project Manager

Rob Lindstrom             Keller Inc. Architect

Rebekah Spidle           Keller Inc. Interior Designer


Nan Brien                    SCLS Board Trustee

David Haug                  Lighthouse Commercial Real Estate




10:00:  Call to Order


10:02:  Approval of previous meeting minutes:  October 21, 2021

a.         Motion by M. Ibach to approve the minutes 

b.         Second by J. Stewart

c.         Approved


10:05: Reports:

·         MUFN Questions Update – V. Teal Lovely

o   V. Teal Lovely got some information that she has forwarded to D. Flanigan. He said when he gets more information from the Civil Engineers they can proceed to make additional plans. He said the information is a good start, but they don’t need to do anything right now.

o   D. Flanigan will reach out to V. Teal Lovely at some point in the future to make contact about MUFN.

o   V. Teal Lovely asked for a month’s notice to request information from Dan at MUFN.

·         Collaborative Space Team Update – D. Haeffner

o   D. Haeffner sent an email to staff and some were a bit reluctant to attend meetings in person. Meetings will be hybrid so more people can feel comfortable participating.

o   She now has focus group members from each department, and she will begin scheduling meetings with them.

o   D. Flanigan said the meetings should focus on determine the functionality and finishes of the collaborative space, and it would take 4-5 meetings to get this work done.

o   R. Spidle suggested that she and D. Haeffner meet first to talk and narrow down the options for designing the function and finishing of the collaborative spaces.

o   D. Haeffner will send another email out to staff to let them know that other people can be involved if they would like.

o   SCLS staff can meet first without Keller staff (the kickoff meeting) to get up to speed with the current status of the project and review preliminary design documents before meeting with R. Spidle.

o   D. Flanigan will send his tentative meeting topic thoughts for each of the 4-5 meetings.

·         Design Team Meeting Dates – D. Haeffner

o   D. Haeffner & R. Spidle will meet to schedule meeting dates.

·         Land: Submit Resolution by Nov 9th (Prep) – D. Flanigan

o   City of Madison sent the finished resolution back to D. Flanigan.

o   The next step is for the city finance committee to review the resolution, with official approval tentatively planned for Nov. 22.

o   The City Council will then vote on the land purchase on Dec. 7.

o   The SCLS Board can then take it up at the December meeting for final approval.

o   If the PSA is not complete in time for the December board meeting, then we will seek approval at the January board meeting.

·         Civil: Progress on Soil Borings / Engineering (estimated dates) – D. Flanigan

o   Getting the scheduling wrapped up.

o   D. Flanigan said the report should be finished in mid-December.

o   D. Flanigan said he didn’t know if the soil borings & subsequent could be done in December. He’d like to have the soil borings and report done before the PSA is finalized in case any adjustments need to be made (based on soil conditions and changes it dictates).

o   D. Flanigan said he’d recommend postponing the SCLS Board action on the PSA until January if soil borings & report can’t be done in December.

·         Keller Architectural and CM agreement – D. Flanigan

o   Submitted to the board and it was approved.

o   Two separate contracts (architectural and construction management).

o   Approval allows Keller to start working on all the details that need to be done so they can keep the project on track.

·         Submission date for Conditional Use & CSM – D. Flanigan

o   Conditional Use work will begin on Friday. They have already scheduled Digger’s Hotline.

o   Certified Survey Map (CSM) work can be submitted in early December.

o   Hoping for approval of both by the city in early February (assuming December submittal).

o   We have 180 days from the approval of the purchase and sale agreement to address any contingencies that are identified, including soil borings, conditional use and CSM processes.


10:30:  Discussion: 

·         Review Preliminary Plans – In Person

o   Plan has now moved from bubbles to floor plans with walls and spaces.

o   Space to turn semi-trucks around has been added.

o   D. Flanigan said he can provide some basic guidelines about exterior finishes that relate to costs (high, medium & low)

o   R. Lindstrom said his thoughts are to try and match nearby buildings as far as materials go. Said it is likely that most of the garage will be either pre-cast concrete or insulated metal panels (depending on which meets the budget).

o   Said most of the office exterior will be stone or masonry of some kind.

o   R. Lindstrom said staff can send any ideas for exterior finishes to him. Staff should do that within the next couple of weeks so he can give consideration to ideas.  K. Goeden asked if there are any specific requirements from the city that dictate exterior finishes.

o   K. Goeden suggested that staff could visit the area (in person or on Google) and look at design options on other buildings. Could be a good way to identify things they like.

o   R. Lindstrom cautioned against staff worrying too much about the cost of different exterior materials. He’d rather just get ideas and see what can be factored into the design.

o   Some discussion about geothermal as an option. R. Lindstrom & D. Flanigan said it would probably double the HVAC up-front cost, but it would definitely minimize monthly utility costs.

o   M. Van Pelt asked about a “green roof” to help mitigate runoff. R. Lindstrom said it is viable, but it does have to be maintained over time to make it work long term.

·         Review Interior Design

o   Reviewed the interior office design on the floor plans.

o   Red lines are walls, half circles are doors, and black gaps in red walls are windows.

o   M. Ibach suggested moving the door to the maker kit room so it goes directly into the hallway from Delivery, not across from the restrooms.

o   Extra office space in Delivery area. Suggestion was made to make it a Huddle Room, which was previously deleted from Delivery.

o   Suggestion was made to ensure there is no public access to the staff lounge. R. Lindstrom explained that we can’t close it off because there needs to be access to the exterior door to the patio as a second emergency exit. Will move the door in the hallway (before the restrooms) to the other side to close off the hallway to the staff lounge.

o   M. Van Pelt asked when we need to discuss building security so we can wire in to use pass cards to access different parts of the building.

o   Couldn’t capture all discussion.

·         Material selections (no color yet)

o   Didn’t discuss

·         Review Updated Budget based on plans 

o   D. Flanigan worked with estimator yesterday after the floor plans were developed.

o   Said that based on the current floor plan the building cost is up to about $6.5-$7.5 million. The mitigating factors are really a result of where material costs are right now. Everything costs more right now. Right now steel prices are increasing 7% to 8% each month.

o   D. Flanigan said simplifying the building to more of a square box or rectangle would help, but that would only save about $250,000.

o   If we move to box, we will have an office layout more like we have now. Would lose the team pod idea we have in our current plan.

o   Said he’s afraid that the only way to get there is to reduce overall square footage by 3,000 to 5,000 sq. feet.

o   K. Goeden asked if Keller can provide some other options that we can reduce (like furniture (bring our own), contingency, tech equipment, exterior finishes, parking, landscaping, etc) to save costs instead of reducing square footage.

o   D. Flanigan will keep talking with estimators to try and identify savings and alternatives. He will report back to K. Goeden in the next week.

o   To date D. Flanigan has working with budgeting, but now he will begin working with estimators. That process is much more precise than budget estimates and they can more effectively hone in. But trying to figure out what costs will be in the future make it very difficult to get accurate pricing.

o   D. Flanigan said it is very unlikely that the building will cost less in several months.

o   Had discussion about  things like:

§  leaving some spaces unfinished

§  reduce office size/sharing offices

§  reduce meeting room size

§  eliminate huddle room(s)

§  reduce any other spaces

§  delete outside patio space development

o   D. Flanigan will come back with more specific information about materials costs so we can more effectively trim costs.

·         Civil Approvals  (already covered)

o   CMS


o   Survey


o   Phase 1 ESA


o   Soil Borings



Topics tabled for future meetings:

·         Dane County Historical Society looking for space.

·         Need to have an industrial ceiling vs closed ceiling aesthetic discussion

o   Does not save money to leave open.  Open or closed involves different building issues.

·         Schedule Admin and Delivery meetings to discuss shared HR and filing spaces


CONSENSUS (includes newly added consensus points as of 10/28/20)

·         Flexibility

·         Hybrid of remote and on site - not 100% either way for most staff.

·         Design for job needs and requirements not staff member.

·         Collaboration and/or individual work can be done at home or onsite as appropriate.

·         Set schedules so everyone is accessible no matter where they are working.

·         Need to maintain in-person relationships (work and personal).

·         The “team” at SCLS is 50+ people with several smaller teams; admin, delivery, tech, ILS and consultants.

·         Staff will maintain their individual offices, but offices will be more equitably sized.

·         Collaborative space will be added (labs, shared soft spaces) and other common spaces such as the work room, deliverables room and meeting room sizes will be reduced to accommodate the new spaces.

·         Staff will be allowed to work remotely and/or in the office as their positions and duties allow with the understanding that there will be times all staff are required to report in person in order to facilitate and maintain staff working relationships.


11:45:  Homework for Next Meeting: 

·         Start collaborative space team work

·         Staff should collect some exterior design ideas that we like and share with Keller.

·         D. Flanigan will send D. Haeffner the discovery booklet to help facilitate the design of the collaborative spaces.

·         SCLS staff will need to review the floor plan and let D. Flanigan & R. Lindstrom know of any changes/concerns/suggestions. We need to look at these with an eye toward budgetary savings, which may include reducing square footage.

·         D. Flanigan will work with estimator to identify potential areas that we can trim costs to get us closer to our budget.


Next Meeting:  11/18/2021 at 1:00-3:00 p.m.

·         Review questions/concerns regarding floor plans

·         Review exterior design preferences

·         Review interior design

·         Material selections (no color yet)


12:30:  Adjournment


Parking Lot: 

·         Create staff workgroup to help select interior furnishings

·         Notify Michelle Drea at the City of Madison Assessor’s office when we purchase a site.



Corey Baumann          SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien                    SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden             SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Mark Ibach                  SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Jesse Stewart              SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                     SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                                  

Kristi Williams             SCLS Board Trustee

Martha Van Pelt          SCLS Director