Building Needs Assessment Work Group Agenda

December 1, 2022 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Hybrid Meeting: SCLS staff to attend in person at 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Chester Room;

Others to attend in person or Virtual Via BlueJeans


Meeting Documents:

Login information

1.  Phone: 1-866-226-4650 and use access code: 461-0318-2019.

a.  Press the # button to enter meeting as a participant.

2.  Web site:

a.  There is no password for participants.

b.  If a participant is asked to download software, they can choose to bypass this (join via browser).


10:00:    Call to Order


10:02:    Approval of previous meeting minutes:  November 17, 2022


10:05:     Reports:


o  Urban Design Commission Meeting

o  Closing Update

o  Fearing’s AV and Security Update

o  Timeline Update

§  11/18-12/2/2022 Obtain Dane County Board signatures on ground lease assignment

§  12/2/2022 Deadline to close on purchase of Pankratz building

§  12/19/2022 Submit conditional use permit

§  2/1/2023 Submit plans to Madison Urban Design Commission

§  2/1/2023 Plans go out for bid

§  2/13/2023 City of Madison Plan Commission – Keller submit plans

§  2/28/2023 Common Council

§  3/1/2023 Open bids

§  3/23/2023 SCLS Board approve subcontractors

§  5/1/2023 Start construction


10:20:    Discussion:


o  Review updated budget and costs from estimator


o  Review interior design - Rebecca will attend in person


o  Review updates from civil, sanitary and electrical


Remaining List of Options to Consider: 

Option D: Purchase office building and continue to lease Delivery  


We have $7 million in financing confirmed.


Topics tabled for Upcoming meetings:

·      Schedule Admin and Delivery meetings to discuss shared HR and filing spaces

·      Outline plan of how SCLS will operate during construction post Memorial Day.

·      Create moving plan



CONSENSUS (includes newly added consensus points as of 10/28/20)

·      Flexibility

·      Hybrid of remote and on site - not 100% either way for most staff.

·      Design for job needs and requirements not staff member.

·      Collaboration and/or individual work can be done at home or onsite as appropriate.

·      Set schedules so everyone is accessible no matter where they are working.

·      Need to maintain in-person relationships (work and personal).

·      The “team” at SCLS is 50+ people with several smaller teams; admin, delivery, tech, ILS and consultants.

·      Staff will maintain their individual offices, but offices will be more equitably sized.

·      Collaborative space will be added (labs, shared soft spaces) and other common spaces such as the work room, deliverables room and meeting room sizes will be reduced to accommodate the new spaces.

·      Staff will be allowed to work remotely and/or in the office as their positions and duties allow with the understanding that there will be times all staff are required to report in person in order to facilitate and maintain staff working relationships.



Homework for Next Meeting: 

1) Identify anything we can do in the building between closing and Memorial Day 2023.

2)  Does SCLS own the garbage container enclosure?

3) Get cubicles after closing, used or free

4)  W. Allington contact BNAW vendors.  5/1/2023 completion

5)  Devin will look into the cost of adding solar


Next Meeting:  December 15, 2022

·      Review Data Center Meeting

·      Review Fearings Updated AV and Security Plans


12:00:    Adjournment


Parking Lot: 



Jean Anderson     SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Corey Baumann   SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien              SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden      SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Gary Poulson        SCLS Board Trustee and Chair

Jesse Stewart        SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal               SCLS Technology Services Coordinator                   

Martha Van Pelt   SCLS Director
Kristi Williams      SCLS Board Trustee