Building Needs Assessment Work Group Minutes

December 19, 2019, 12:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

SCLS Headquarters

Badger Room


Meeting Documents:

To phone into a meeting: 866-226-4650 (access code: 461-0318-2019)


12:30: Call to Order


12:32: Approval of previous meeting minutes: December 5, 2019

Approved by consensus (four people present), Mark Moved and Corey 2nd.


12:35: Reports:



12:35: Discussion:

·           Sun Prairie Library expansion

o   Talked about the issues of potential joint ownership, building location, and construction timelines. Some reservations about the desirability or feasibility of a collaborative project. Location is an issue (especially for delivery purposes), access to MUFN, and zoning.

o   There are definitely some concerns about how this would work, and whether it would be advantageous to SCLS.

·           Review Developer information from 12/5/19 interviews


·           Review interview questions


·           Developer Interviews


Developer Interview Schedule

12/19/19: 1-3:45 pm 45 minutes each

1. 1:00–1:45 Newcomb Construction–Bret Newcomb

2. 2:00–2:45 Cullen Construction–George Cullen

3. 3:00–3:45 Vogel Brothers–Pete Szotkowski

All groups were sent the Fast Facts, Square Footage and Building Profile by Zones documents in advance.  All were offered tours of HQ and Delivery.

Copies of all presentations are saved in the BNAW meeting folder for the month, in the presentations folder.


4:10: Homework for Next Meeting:

Review developer presentation information for discussion at January 9, 2020 meeting.


Next Meeting Date: 1/9/20 at 10:30 a.m.


4:15: Adjournment


Parking Lot:

Need to create:

o   Location report

o   Detailed design report

o   Mark and Vicki will look into items listed under Other “Master Building Profile by Zones”

o   For safety concerns and needed protections. Do we have Material Safety Sheets on these products which include necessary protections and toxicity information?

o   SUN Expansion



Corey Baumann                   SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator

Nan Brien                             SCLS Board Trustee

Kerrie Goeden                      SCLS HR & Finance Coordinator

Mark Ibach                           SCLS Consulting Services Coordinator

Jesse Stewart                       SCLS Fleet Manager

Vicki Teal                              SCLS Technology Services Coordinator

Kristi Williams                      SCLS Board Trustee

Martha Van Pelt                   SCLS Director