Collection Maintenance Subcommittee Minutes
January 12, 2022 at 9:30 am
Phone/video conference
Action Items:
The CMS recommends adding the new Collection Code BKAFIUR (Staff: BOOKS AD
FIC URBAN ; Patron: Urban Fiction) which will replace BKAFISL (Staff: BOOKS AD
FIC STREET LIT ; Patron: Street Lit).
Present: Jennifer Hepler (POR), Kate Odahowski
(MAD), Molly Warren (MAD), Tina Marie Maes (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Laura
Schmiedicke (MRO), Amy Lawrence (MCF), Theresa Skov (VER), Alison Wirth (STP),
LuAnn Kranz (DFT), Kate Hull (SUN), Kathy Baker (MFD)
Absent: Sarah Bukrey (STO), Nancy
Kessenich (WAU)
Excused: None
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway,
Kayla Linke
1. Call to Order at 9:32 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
c. Requests to address the Committee
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: November 10, 2021
a. Motion: M. Warren moved approval of the November meeting minutes. K. Baker seconded.
b. Discussion: none.
c. Vote: motion carried.
3. Action Items
a. New Collection Code request (MAD)
i. BKAFIUR (Staff: BOOKS AD FIC URBAN; Patron: Urban Fiction).
1. Motion: K. Hull moved to approve the new collection code. L. Schmiedicke seconded.
2. Discussion: They have been using BKAFISL (Staff: BOOKS AD FIC STREET LIT ; Patron: Street Lit). They would be moving items from BKAFISL to BKAFIUR. The BKAFISL code may then be deleted when this is complete.
3. Vote: motion carried. This will go to the IC for final approval.
4. Discussion
a. Updates from previous meeting
i. New Collection Code request:
1. LPPB (Staff: LARGE PRINT PICTURE BOOKS ; Patron: Large Print, Picture Books)
2. LPPB was added on 12/1/2021, after approval by ILS Committee on 12/1/2021.
ii. New Shelving Location request:
1. STU (Studio)
2. STU was added on 12/1/2021, after approval by ILS Committee on 12/1/2021.
iii. Changes to Cataloging Policies: Books BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Sound Recordings BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Videorecordings BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Software BSE (Bibliographic Short Entry) Policy, Generic and Perm Records Policy, Linking Items Policy, Serials Receiving Policy
1. Approved by ILS Committee 12/1/21, policy updates completed 12/8/21
b. Rank Technical Services bugfixes
i. Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the spreadsheet of bugfixes. Each subcommittee will be choosing a top 15. However, there are not 15 bugfixes for this group to vote on. We would put these into survey that would go to the directors to vote on. The survey results will go to the IC in February. We come up with Top 5 bugfixes (in all modules) to give to LibLime. There are new problems that were reported and they are already working them into the next point release so it’s not on this spreadsheet (ex. spine labels giving internal server error). The bugs were also discussed at the December User Groups. There are two Acquisitions, no Serials, and the rest are Cataloging bugs. The committee went through each item on the spreadsheet and gave them a ranking. We will send the high and medium bugs on to be added to the bigger list of priorities.
c. Rank Technical Services development ideas
i. Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the spreadsheet of development ideas and committee members prioritized/ranked them. The input from the User Groups was discussed and there is a separate column with this information. A. Gannaway can send an email out summarizing what we did at today’s meeting. The group should provide additional feedback by next Wednesday before she starts compiling the survey for directors. Like the bugs, the development ideas will also go into a survey for the directors, and then will go on to the IC in February. So far we have four top development projects selected so far.
d. Cataloging of large print audio-enabled books
i. Discussion: VER asked the about audio-enabled books we are cataloging because now some are being produced as large print. MAD bought some and has added them to the catalog. The large print note is displayed in the Alternate title. Because audio-enabled books are cataloged as sound recordings, we cannot add large print as a format for limiting purposes. K. Linke will talk to catalogers about Linking Manual updates for these large print audio-enabled books.
e. Other Bibliovation questions and discussion
i. 7.0 upgrade January 10, 2022, details on Bibliovation Support page
ii. Discussion: Barcodes of items added yesterday and today cannot be searched. K. Linke reported this to LibLime.
5. Plan for Next meeting: March 9, 2022 via phone/video conference
6. Adjournment at 11:14 am
For more information about the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Collection Maintenance Subcommittee/Minutes/01-2022