Collection Maintenance Subcommittee Minutes

July 10, 2024, at 9:30 am

Phone/video conference


Action Items:



Present: Amanda Payne (POR), Molly Warren (MAD), Tina Marie Maes (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Amy Lawrence (MCF), Kate Hull (SUN), Nancy Kessenich (WAU)
Theresa Skov (VER), Alison Wirth (STP), Eric Crow (MTH)

Excused: Laura Schmiedicke (MRO), Kathy Baker (MFD), Keri Van Gorden (MAD), Sarah Bukrey (STO)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Kayla Linke


1.     Call to Order at 9:33 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.

c.      Requests to address the Committee

                                                    i.     None.

2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: March 13, 2024

a.     Motion: T. Maes moved approval of the March meeting minutes.  K. Hull seconded.

b.     Discussion: This group did not meet in May because of the conflict with the ILS Vendor demos.

c.      Vote: motion carried. 

3.     Action Items

a.     None.

4.     Discussion

a.     Updates from previous meeting

                                                    i.     Linking Manual updates for Teaching Company sets

1.     The Linking manual updates were reviewed at the last meeting have been added to the Linking manual (clarification for Teaching Company sets added on page 8).

b.     Update on ILS Evaluation

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed work related to the ILS Evaluation. We had the vendor demos in May.  ILS staff sent follow up questions to both vendors.  We asked for written responses, with the exception of Acquisitions. SirsiDynix will hold a webinar on July 23 to go over Acquisitions and the follow-up questions submitted. This session will be recorded.  The SirsiDynix Reports recording is available until next Thursday, July 18.  Polaris is still working on a follow-up date for Acquisitions because they weren’t able to complete the checklists in the time given.  This session will be recorded as well.  We are working on scheduling site visits for the fall and discussed this with the ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup.  We are trying to get some site visits for Circulation and Cataloging.  Pewaukee is a possibility for September.  They are using Polaris Leap for Cataloging and Circulation.  Serials and Acquisitions might have to be virtual site visits.  We are still working on SirsiDynix.  A lot of places are using client and we wouldn’t want to use that.  We would like to talk to people using BlueCloud.  SirsiDynix is trying to find some places and at the very least schedule a site visit for BlueCloud Circulation.  K. Hull asked how Pewaukee was doing their Serials and Acquisitions.  A. Gannaway reported that they don’t use Serials at all, which is very common.  They just started using Acquisitions last year.  They wanted to use Leap but found a few key functions weren’t working.

c.      Collection Codes for audio-enabled books

                                                    i.     This is our six month review of whether we need more codes for audio-enabled books.  We currently have two.  We haven’t received any requests at this point to add more codes.  MID isn’t looking to add additional codes.  They just started receiving chapter books but they are differentiating them by Call Number.  MAD also said they don’t have enough of a collection that they would want to pull out statistics for.  They may be interested in a Teen code in the future but currently there are not enough Teen titles at this time.  SUN is also continuing to grow their collection and doesn’t need more codes at this time.  K. Hull said she is curious to see how Teen books will hold up with their current binding.  We will review this topic again in one year. 

d.     List of Known Bootlegs

                                                    i.     Bootleg DVDs keep coming up for things that aren’t released officially or only released on Blu-Ray.  In the past we have sent emails to alert libraries and added a Linking Manual Appendix. MAD Catalogers met with A. Gannaway and K. Linke and thought it would be good to post a list.  A. Gannaway reviewed it with the group and went through some examples.  It hasn’t been posted yet.  SCLS or MAD Cataloging would have editing rights to update it this, but libraries would be able to view it.  A. Gannaway will post this on the Cataloging page and send out the link.

e.     Other Bibliovation questions and discussion

                                                    i.     K. Hull asked if there was any word on when we might look at the other Discovery Layers.  A. Gannaway did talk to the vendors at ALA.  She is hoping to schedule virtual demos with Aspen and Bibliocommons in August or September.   Both vendors are OK with recording the demos.  She will work on this this week and poll the workgroup for potential dates. 

5.     Plan for the Next meeting:  September 11, 2024, at 9:30 am via phone/video conference

6.     Adjournment at 10:00 am.


For more information about the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Collection Maintenance Subcommittee/Minutes/07-2024