Delivery Committee Minutes
August 10, 10:00 am
Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans
Action Items: None
Present: Amanda
Wakeman (COL), Jen Foster (FCH), Amy Trumble (NGL), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Todd
Cox (DCL), Eric Norton (MCM), Lisa Renier (SKC)
Excused: Mark Penner (MAD), Janet Schroeder (POCO), Renee Daley (ROM)—seat vacant
Recorder: Corey Baumann
SCLS staff present: Marty Van Pelt and Heidi Oliversen
1. Call to order time 10:05am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. Heidi Oliversen from SCLS
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. Changes: Approval of previous minutes took place at the end due to lack of quorum at the commencement
c. Requests to address the Committee: None
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes:
a. Minutes for April meeting were unanimously approved.
i. Motion: Leah Fritsche
ii. Second: Amy Trumble
3. Action items :
a. No action items
4. Discussion items:
i. Delivery lease is through January 31 at Gilson
ii. Anticipated move is mid-January
1. Ideally (perhaps) is utilizing the MLK holiday as a move that will incur the least disruption for delivery service to members
a. MLK is the most volume-impactful holiday that is observed due to many libraries with open hours
b. Winter weather impacts are also a factor
iii. Delivery will have Yerges move heavy material out of Gilson into Pankratz in a single date.
iv. Aiming for a possible start out of Gilson on the morning on January 16 and returning the routes in the afternoon at Pankratz. We would facilitate shuttling staff members back to Gilson for their cars. January 17 would be fully on site at Pankratz.
v. At Pankratz, the site is nearly walled-in for Delivery with the roof decking in place. The inner wall is to be removed the week of 8/14.
vi. Existing building work is anticipated to finish by mid-September
i. Mount Horeb, 8:45am
1. MTH would get truck service and an easier cart-for-cart exchange than the current van service
ii. Fitchburg, 10:15am
1. FCH moving to the MAD shuttle route to ease some congestion on the Dane South route and move to a very close and volume-heavy exchange with MAD and LSC.
iii. Further route enhancements will take place with the move to Pankratz
i. Southwest-Dodgeville
1. Beginning August 21, SCLS will add this stop to the Green County route to facilitate an exchange that is closer to Madison (instead of Fennimore). This allows for Dodgeville to receive 5-day local service from SWLS and will free SCLS up to return to Winding Rivers more directly.
ii. Spring Green exchange
1. Beginning August 21, SWLS will stop on their way through town to drop off statewide materials to be picked up by SCLS just one hour later. This will occur on Monday-Wednesday-Friday.
iii. Western connection
1. An enhancement of increased statewide exchanges is being explored.
iv. Winnefox connection
1. An enhancement of increased statewide exchanges is being explored.
v. Contractor fees
1. We would project a reduction of contractor fees between $15 and $20,000 annually for these adjustments.
5. Reports (for Committees only)
a. No Reports
6. Items from clusters (for Committees only)
a. No Items from clusters
7. Plan for next meeting:
a. Thursday, October 12, 2023
b. Hoping to introduce the new building to in-person option at Pankratz address.
8. Adjournment: 10:45am
9. For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann or 608-266-4695
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Delivery Committee/Minutes/08-10-2023