Delivery Committee Minutes
August 12, 2021 10:00 am
Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans
Action Items: None
Present: Corey
Baumann (SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator & Committee Chair), Jen Foster
(FCH), Eric Norton (MCM), Jodi Bailey (POY), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Emily Judd
(SKC), Angela Noel (BRD) and Todd Cox (DCL)
Absent: Doug Smith (HAW)
Excused: Holly Lague (NGL), Janet Schroeder (STP), Renee Daley (ROM) and Mark Penner (MAD)
Recorder: Corey Baumann
SCLS staff present: none
1. Call to order time 10:00am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. No guests
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. Changes: None
ii. Additions: None
c. Requests to address the Committee
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes:
a. Minutes for April 8 meeting were approved.
i. Motion: Eric Norton
ii. Seconded: Todd Cox
iii. Voice vote approved
3. Action items :
a. None
4. Discussion items:
i. Corey shared that Delivery had returned to full mask requirements 2 weeks prior with little controversy.
ii. The first case of COVID for staff occurred and the response was followed according to Dane County guidelines. Service was not interrupted and closest contacts were minimal. No further infections were detected.
iii. Committee members shared their local conditions and issues with masking. Most of which fell in the category of “masks strongly recommended” and/or “required for staff only.”
i. Corey updated the budget progress for Delivery specifically, which had solidified over the last month, including:
1. UW System contract locked in through 2023
a. 15% reduction in revenue
b. Increased service from 4 to 5 days
2. Delivery fees were approved by the members since the last meeting
a. The increase for members was 2% from 2021.
3. In the last 3 weeks we have learned that the state budget passed and was signed by the governor which came with an increase in state aid. That increase is being devoted to bring Delivery back into balance for 2022.
a. Caution is being taken because for 2024, there could be alterations in the state aid formula. With that in mind, it could come to pass that we do not have the same level of resources from state aid that we will have for the next 2 years.
b. Corey, Kerrie, and Marty have a plan to forecast and plan for all eventualities.
c. One key provision is to address the county fee structure for Delivery which was entertained with the chance of Marathon County joining the system. With the new funding, we will go back and form a work-group to evaluate the costs of service and look to establish a new model for as soon as 2023.
i. SCLS Delivery has taken leadership of the statewide coordinator role just last week. In that role, we will be working with system partners on delivery collaboration, standards, PLSR model implementation, cost analysis, and data collection.
i. Corey updated the members on progress of the BNAW group, including recent site possibilities and planning progress
5. Reports (for Committees only)
a. No Reports
6. Items from clusters (for Committees only)
a. No Items from clusters
7. Plan for next meeting:
a. Thursday, October 14, 2021
8. Adjournment: 10:45am
9. For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann or 608-266-4695
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Delivery Committee/Minutes/08-12-2021