Delivery Committee Minutes
August 11, 10:00 am
Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans
Action Items: None
Present: Corey
Baumann (SCLS Delivery Services Coordinator & Committee Chair), Mark
Penner (MAD), Jen Foster (FCH), Eric Norton (MCM), Jodi Bailey (POY), Leah
Fritsche (DEE), Janet Schroeder (STP), Renee Daley (ROM), Lisa Reiner (SKC)
Absent: Doug Smith (HAW), Todd Cox (DCL)
Recorder: Corey Baumann
SCLS staff present: Martha Van Pelt
1. Call to order time 10:05am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. No guests
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. Changes: None
c. Requests to address the Committee: None
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes:
a. Minutes for August meeting were approved.
3. Action items :
a. No action items
4. Discussion items:
i. Day after Thanksgiving
1. Taking the day fully off
2. Only accepting volunteers to work approximately 5-6 hours
i. New Delivery time to SCA (8:30am) and how that may lead to potential one day lag in outgoing to members.
i. Northern Wisconsin intersystem connections and problems
5. Reports (for Committees only)
a. No Reports
6. Items from clusters (for Committees only)
a. No Items from clusters
7. Plan for next meeting:
a. Thursday, December 8, 2022
8. Adjournment: 10:55am
9. For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann or 608-266-4695
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Delivery Committee/Minutes/10-13-2022