Delivery Committee Minutes
December 8, 10:00 am
Virtual Meeting via BlueJeans
Action Items: None
Present: Amanda
Wakeman (CIA), Lisa Renier (SKC), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Jen Foster (FCH), Amy
Trumble (NGL), Todd Cox (DCL), Mark Penner (MAD)
Excused: Eric Norton (MCM), Janet Schroeder (STP)
Recorder: Corey Baumann
SCLS staff present: Martha Van Pelt
1. Call to order time 10:00am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. No guests
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. Changes: None
c. Requests to address the Committee: None
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes:
a. Minutes for October meeting were unanimously approved.
3. Action items :
a. No action items
4. Discussion items:
i. Stop frequencies
1. The recent holiday and adjustments to the overall schedule has indicated a few possible places to extend efficiencies and include some libraries who request fewer stops to lower their fees.
2. Columbia County described efforts to reconvene and discuss their county formula which may include a county contribution.
a. Corey has offered to attend any such meetings, if asked
ii. Route efficiencies 2022
1. SCLS Successfully implemented new route efficiencies both at the beginning and part way through the year to best utilize truck capacity and lean staffing.
2. SCLS Delivery may move to a new departure point in late 2023 and that may provide an opportunity to address some more route efficiencies.
iii. Staffing
1. Delivery has had some staffing challenges
a. Unusually high absenteeism compared to the last few years. Flu, COVID, and RSV appear to be the primary reasons.
b. One long-term absence is putting our daily staffing in a “make-up” situation already. Any absences or vacations just puts that much more pressure on Delivery to prioritize route departures. This has led to intermittent delays when a route is completed by one of the early route arrivals.
c. Delivery lost a new hire after just 10 days and the pipeline is slow in the current market and econonomy.
i. Corey described a successful implementation of a holiday plan that utilized volunteer staff members rather than mandating employees to choose a working holiday.
1. The results yielded 33% less hours than 2021, 41% less miles driven, 45% less materials dropped off, and just 8% less materials picked up.
2. The recovery was complete by early Wednesday of the following week.
3. For MLK, Delivery intends to employ a similar route structure.
4. We received only modest questions about service cancellations on the holiday.
5. Reports (for Committees only)
a. No Reports
6. Items from clusters (for Committees only)
a. No Items from clusters
7. Plan for next meeting:
a. Thursday, February 9, 2023
8. Adjournment: 10:35am
9. For more information about the Delivery Committee, contact Corey Baumann or 608-266-4695
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Delivery Committee/Minutes/12-08-2022