Delivery Workflows Work Group
June 24, 2021, 10 am
Phone/video conference
Meeting Documents:
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1. Call to Order
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
c. Requests to address the Committee
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: n/a
3. Action Items
4. Discussion
a. Charge: Group will work together to identify workflows that may benefit from additional study. This group will also study the pros and cons of a sorter at SCLS Delivery and how it might impact library workflow.
b. RFID initiative (12/17/2020): The ILS Committee recommends an initiative to support the conversion to RFID of the materials of all SCLS libraries within seven years for the purposes of increasing the efficiency of resource sharing. This is in support of an existing policy: "Non-RFID libraries allow other libraries to place RFID tags in items received to fill holds .Tag insertion by RFID libraries is voluntary". South Central Library System intends to support the initiative by implementing the use of RFID in automating its system-wide delivery service.
c. Potential topics to explore
i. Does it make sense for SCLS to buy a sorter at the new building
ii. Review Holds sequences in ILS to sync with routes
iii. Presorting bins at libraries
iv. Using other sorters at libraries to pre-sort
v. Resource sharing / delivery workflow at libraries
vi. Other ways to move items through system more efficiently
5. Plan for Next meeting: July 22, 2021
6. Adjournment
For more information about the Delivery Workflows Work Group, contact Vicki Teal Lovely or Corey Baumann
Delivery Workflows Work Group/Agenda/06-2021