Delivery Workflows Work Group

July 22, 2021, 10 am

Phone/video conference


Meeting Documents:

To phone into this meeting call 1-866-226-4650, use access code 461-0415-2019
To access this meeting visit (select the join via browser link)


1.      Call to Order

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: n/a


3.      Action Items

a.      Approve Charge: Group will work together to identify workflows that may benefit from additional study. This group will also study the pros and cons of a sorter at SCLS Delivery and how it might impact library workflow.


4.      Discussion


a.      Potential topics to explore (virtual “sticky” note exercise)

                                                              i.      Resource sharing / delivery workflow at libraries

1.      Review Holds sequences in ILS to sync with routes

2.      Presorting bins at libraries

3.      Using other sorters at libraries to pre-sort

                                                             ii.      RFID initiative

1.      “barcode on a bucket”, which is technology allowing you to check in one barcode and the items in the entire “bucket” check-in automatically

2.      the placement of RFID tags on other library’s materials

                                                           iii.      Other ways to move items through system more efficiently 

                                                           iv.      Does it make sense for SCLS to buy a sorter for the new building (cover at a future meeting)


5.      Plan for Next meeting: August 26, 2021


6.      Adjournment



For more information about the Delivery Workflows Work Group, contact Vicki Teal Lovely or Corey Baumann


Delivery Workflows Work Group/Agenda/06-2021