Delivery Workflows Work Group Minutes
July 22, 2021, 10 am
Phone/video conference
Action Items:
The Delivery Workflows Workgroup approved their charge as “The group
will work together to identify workflows that
may benefit from additional study. This group will also study the pros and cons
of a sorter at SCLS Delivery and how it might impact library workflow.”
Present: Renee Daley and Cassi Williams (ROM;
Cluster 1), Roxanne Staveness (RIO; Cluster 2; RFID), Eddie Glade & Janet
Schroeder (STP; Cluster 4; Self Check + RFID), Eric Norton (MCM; Cluster 6;
Self Check + RFID ), Stacey Burkart (VER; Cluster 8; Sorter + Self Check +
RFID), Emily Noffke (MTH; Cluster 8; Self Check), Jennifer Foster (FCH; Cluster
8; Sorter + Self Check + RFID), Todd Cox and Nate Snortum (co-representatives)
(DCL; Clusters 9-10), Margie Navarre Saaf (MPL; Clusters 11-13; Self Check +
Absent: None
Excused: None
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal
Lovely, Heidi Oliversen, Corey Baumann
1. Call to Order at 10:05 am.
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: n/a
a. Discussion: We will officially approve the June and July minutes at the August meeting.
3. Action Items
a. Approve Charge: Group will work together to identify workflows that may benefit from additional study. This group will also study the pros and cons of a sorter at SCLS Delivery and how it might impact library workflow.
i. Motion: E. Norton moved to approve the workgroup charge as written. M. Navarre Saaf seconded.
ii. Discussion: none.
iii. Vote: motion carried.
4. Discussion
a. Potential topics to explore (virtual “sticky” note exercise)
i. Resource sharing / delivery workflow at libraries
1. Review Holds sequences in ILS to sync with routes
2. Presorting bins at libraries
3. Using other sorters at libraries to pre-sort
ii. RFID initiative
1. “barcode on a bucket”, which is technology allowing you to check in one barcode and the items in the entire “bucket” check-in automatically
2. the placement of RFID tags on other library’s materials
iii. Other ways to move items through system more efficiently
iv. Does it make sense for SCLS to buy a sorter for the new building (cover at a future meeting)
Discussion: Thank you for your input
today. We will keep the jamboard open, so workgroup members can keep working
on this until July 30.
5. Plan for Next meeting: August 26, 2021 at 10 am via phone/video conference.
a. We will plan to review the notes from today’s brainstorming exercise, come up with concrete concerns, and start to talk about how to address them at the next meeting.
6. Adjournment at 10:41 am
For more information about the Delivery Workflows Work Group, contact Vicki Teal Lovely or Corey Baumann
Delivery Workflows Work Group/Minutes/07-2021