Discovery Interface Subcommittee Minutes

September 18, 2024, 9:30 am

Phone/video conference


Action Items:



Present: Tom Campbell (MAD), Jake Ineichen (MAD), Rachael Page (DEE), Eric Norton (MCM), Mary Fahndrich (MAD)

Absent: None

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Rose Ziech


1.     Call to Order at 9:30 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.

c.      Requests to address the Committee

                                                    i.     None.

2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: July 17, 2024

a.     Motion: R. Page moved approval of the July meeting minutes.  T. Campbell seconded.

b.     Discussion: none.

c.      Vote: motion carried.

3.     Action Items

a.     None

4.     Discussion

a.     Updates from previous meeting

                                                    i.     Translating bookmarks into Spanish

1.     Discussion: A. Gannaway reported that the Spanish bookmarks are almost ready to go.  D. Haeffner finished formatting the bookmarks and A. Gannaway just needs to review them one more time.  A few of the bookmarks had to be made double-sided.  The Spanish version of the forms will be added to the ILS Forms request soon.  They will also be added online so libraries can print their own.

b.     Don’t Miss Lists and Publisher’s Weekly lists

                                                    i.     Discussion:  A. Gannaway was notified that the Publishers’ Weekly links now require you to login.  They used to be available for people to view for free.  A. Gannaway removed the links since they are no longer available for free.

c.      Talpa Search and Syndetics Unbound

                                                    i.     Discussion: Talpa had been available for free, but they are going to start charging.  We still have this for free thru October 31st.  A. Gannaway requested a quote but there really is no money currently budgeted.  A. Gannaway will add a note about Talpa going away on October 31.  We knew it could go away at some point, which is why we didn’t advertise it. 

d.     Update on ILS Evaluation

                                                    i.     Discussion: The Aspen and Bibliocommons demos were recorded and you may view both online.  The deadline for submitting the checklists for these is Friday, 9/20.  A. Gannaway sent out email to workgroup to find a meeting date later in Nov/Dec so they can regroup and pull information together.  We had the Pewaukee in-person site visit for Polaris yesterday.  Beaver Dam’s site visit is scheduled for next week.  For SirsiDynix, it has been more challenging to find sites close enough to visit who are actually using BlueCloud.  SWAN, a consortia located in the western suburbs of Chicago, have piloted BlueCloud but they haven’t gone live yet.  Detroit has been using BlueCloud and we are meeting with Detroit to see where they are at with BlueCloud.  ILS Staff are going to fill out the checklists for Bibliovation just for comparison to SirsiDynix and Polaris.   J. Ineichen asked if Aspen and Bibliocommons are supposed to be used with a particular software.  Both are standalone Discovery Layers and both work with SirsiDynix and Polaris.  Theoretically it could work with Bibliovation, but it would have to be built from the ground up because no one else is using it.  R. Ziech thought they had mentioned in the demos that they have some Koha clients. The other version of Koha works with Aspend but it’s different from Bibliovation we are using now and doesn’t have all of the functionality that was built into our version of Koha and later Bibliovation. 

e.     Other Bibliovation questions and/or discussion

                                                    i.     Discussion: A. Gannaway put note on the Status wiki about the Mobile App being updated.  There is an Interface change.  The app has to be upgraded to work with iOS 18.

5.     Plan for the Next meeting:  November 20, 2024, at 9:30 am via phone/video conference

6.     Adjournment at 9:55 am


For more information about the Discovery Interface Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Discovery Interface Subcommittee/Minutes/09-2024