South Central Library System Board of Trustees Minutes
11/22/2024, 12:15 p.m.

1650 Pankratz Street, Madison

Meeting held via Zoom & in person

Action Items

Approved the 2025 – 2029 SCLS Technology and Resource Sharing Plan

Present: C. Clark, B. Clendenning, S. Feith, J. Fordham, N. Foth, J. Honl,
M. Howe, S. Garcia, M. Jorgensen, M. Nelson, G. Poulson, H. St. Maurice, T. Walske, J. Wright

Excused: P. Cox, B. Carus

Absent: D. Peterson

Recorder:  H. Moe

SCLS Staff Present: S. Schultz, K. Goeden, V. Teal Lovely

Guests: None


Call to Order: 12:16 p.m.  J. Honl, President. 

  1. Introduction of guests/visitors:  None
  2. Changes/Additions to the Agenda:  None
  3. Requests to address the Board:  None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 10/24/2024 Minutes

  1. Motion:   G. Poulson moved approved of the 10/24/2024.  M. Howe seconded.
  2. Changes or corrections:  None
  3. Vote:  Motion carried.


Financial Statements:  K. Goeden provided an overview of the financial statements. 

Bills for PaymentsThe payment amount is $218,244.87

  1. Motion:  C. Clark reviewed the bills for payment.  H. St. Maurice moved approval.   M. Nelson seconded.
  2. Discussion:  None.
  3. Vote:  Motion carried.


Action Items:

a. Approve 2025 – 2029 SCLS Technology and Resource Sharing Plan

  i. Motion:  G. Poulson moved approval of the 2025 – 2029 SCLS Technology and Resource Sharing Plan.  S. Feith seconded.

 ii. Discussion: 

 iii. Vote:  Motion carried.


Committee Reports:  

a. Advocacy:  No report

b. Nominations: G. Poulson noted the officer search continues.  Will report to the board in January.

c. Personnel Committee will meet 12/9/24 at 1:00 p.m. virtually to review the handbook revisions.


System Director's Report:  You may view the System Director report online.    

SCLS Foundation Report

a. Three SCLS Board members are needed for the Foundation Board.  Please consider serving.  The board meets quarterly directly after the SCLS Board meetings.  The foundation chair will be asked to create a “job description” for those who may be interested in serving.


a. Start thinking about which committee you would like to serve on in 2025 including staying on the current committee.  Send requests to Heidi Moe.

b. January 2025 Annual Potluck – would the board like the staff to provide this?  The trustees present indicated they would like the potluck to continue, but suggested the event take place in the spring/summer months to avoid the possibility of bad weather hindering attendance.  

c. December bill examiner:  S. Garcia; J. Wright, alternate

d. Bill Examiner list for 2025:  self-selection or assigned?  SCLS will create the bill examiner list.


Adjournment:  1:09 p.m.


For more information about the Board of Trustees, contact Shannon Schultz
