Discovery Interface Subcommittee Minutes

November 20, 2024, 9:30 am

Phone/video conference


Action Items:



Present: Tom Campbell (MAD), Jake Ineichen (MAD), Eric Norton (MCM), Mary Fahndrich (MAD)

Absent: Rachael Page (DEE)

Excused: None
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Rose Ziech


1.     Call to Order at 9:32 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.

c.      Requests to address the Committee

                                                    i.     None.

2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: September 18, 2024

a.     Motion.  J. Ineichen moved approval of the September meeting minutes.  E. Norton seconded.

b.     Discussion: none.

c.      Vote: motion carried.

3.     Action Items

a.     None.

4.     Discussion

a.     Updates from previous meeting

                                                    i.     Translating bookmarks into Spanish

1.     Discussion: The Spanish bookmarks are available.  The Notifications bookmark has not yet been translated because the English version needed updates. The changes have been made and A. Gannaway will send it to the translator. 

                                                   ii.     Talpa Search and Syndetics Unbound

1.     Discussion: The Talpa Search was taken down on October 31. It wasn’t budgeted for 2025, the soonest that we could budget for it would be 2026.

b.     Review of LINKcat TV series bookmark

                                                    i.     Discussion: The Circulation Services Subcommittee also reviewed this bookmark and determined it was no longer necessary to provide to libraries. The bookmark was created over two years ago when we changed TV series from circulating separately to circulating together as a set.  This is not something libraries are requesting.  Should we continue it/change it?  T. Campbell said it’s no longer necessary and most patrons are aware that TV series circulate together.  M. Fahndrich agreed and mentioned that she doesn’t use it with patrons but more as a reminder for staff training.  The bookmark be discontinued.  

c.      Update on ILS Evaluation

                                                    i.     Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the updates to the ILS Evaluation web page.  The topic workgroups are meeting to talk about which Discovery Layer was preferred.  We are sending follow-up questions to the vendors.  We will have a preliminary report early next year and the workgroups will review it.  The Discovery Layer workgroup would make a recommendation to the ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup, which will review all workgroup info and make a final recommendation. The workgroup recommendation is based on functionality, but the final recommendation would incorporate pricing.

d.     Other Bibliovation questions and/or discussion

                                                    i.     Discussion: none.

5.     Plan for Next meeting:  January 15, 2025 at 9:30 am via phone/video conference

6.     Adjournment at 9:42 am.


For more information about the Discovery Interface Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Discovery Interface Subcommittee/Minutes/11-2024