ILS Committee Minutes
December 4, 2024, 10 am
1650 Pankratz Street
Madison, WI 53704
Hybrid Meeting = in person and using virtual Zoom option
Action Items:
The IC approved the 2025 Technology Plan: ILS Section.
The IC approved the 2025 Meeting Calendar.
The IC approved the Circulation Services Subcommittee recommendation to add the Patron Category “RB” for reciprocal borrowers.
The IC approved the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommendation to delete the following low use codes; Collection Code ELRM (Electronic Resource Music) and Shelving Location CS (Civil Service Shelves).
The IC approved the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommendation to add the following new Collection Codes; LPFIFA, LARGE PRINT FIC FANTASY (Large Print Fantasy Fiction), LPFIHI, LARGE PRINT FIC HISTORICAL (Large Print Historical Fiction), and LPFIRO, LARGE PRINT FIC ROMANCE (Large Print Romance Fiction).
Present: Erin Foley, ACL (1), Eddie Glade, STP (4), Katherine Elchert, MCM (6), Kate Hull, SUN (7), Phil Hansen, FCH (8), Nate Snortum, DCL (9, 10), Molly Warren, Tina Marie Maes, MAD (11 -13)
Absent: Suzann Holland, MRO (3)
Excused: Debbie Bird, POR (2), Lauren White, PDS (5), Margie Navarre Saaf, MAD (11-13)
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen
1. Call to Order at 11:03 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. A. Gannaway will be leading the meeting today. V. Teal Lovely had to take the day off unexpectedly.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
c. Requests to address the Committee
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: October 2, 2024
a. Motion: E. Glade moved to approve the October meeting minutes. T. Maes seconded.
b. Discussion: none.
c. Vote: motion carried.
3. Action Items
a. Approve 2025 Technology Plan: ILS section (link)
i. Motion: M. Warren moved to approve the 2025 Technology Plan: ILS Section. P. Hansen seconded.
ii. Discussion: This was reviewed at the last meeting.
iii. Vote: motion carried.
b. Approve 2025 Meeting Calendar
i. Motion: P. Hansen moved to approve the 2025 Meeting Calendar. N. Snortum seconded.
ii. Discussion: This was reviewed at the last meeting.
iii. Vote: motion carried.
Approve 2025
Bibliovation Development Plan
d. The Circulation Services Subcommittee recommends adding the Patron Category “RB” for reciprocal borrowers.
i. Motion: This motion came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.
ii. Discussion: E. Foley has questions about how to use this. They don’t have a lot of remote borrowers. She thought it was a state rule that people can use databases when they are in the library. That is true. This patron category will prevent patrons from logging in to local databases at home. E. Foley feels the language doesn’t properly reflect this. After some discussion, the group decided to update the description in the proposal to “These patrons are not eligible to use locally subscribed databases outside of the library.” This will be updated but it does not change the motion.
iii. Vote: motion carried.
e. The Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommends deleting the following low use codes:
i. Collection Code ELRM (Electronic Resource Music)
ii. Shelving Location CS (Civil Service Shelves)
1. Motion: This motion came from the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee.
2. Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the discussion at the CMS Meeting.
3. Vote: motion carried.
f. The Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommends adding the following new Collection Codes:
i. LPFIFA, LARGE PRINT FIC FANTASY (Large Print Fantasy Fiction)
ii. LPFIHI, LARGE PRINT FIC HISTORICAL (Large Print Historical Fiction)
iii. LPFIRO, LARGE PRINT FIC ROMANCE (Large Print Romance Fiction)
1. Motion: This motion came from the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee.
2. Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the discussion CMS Meeting.
3. Vote: motion carried.
4. Reports
a. ILS Report
i. A. Gannaway reviewed the October/November 2024 ILS Report.
b. Circulation Services Subcommittee
i. H. Oliversen reviewed the November 12 meeting minutes.
c. Collection Maintenance Subcommittee
i. A. Gannaway reviewed the November 13 meeting minutes.
d. Discovery Interface Subcommittee
i. A. Gannaway reviewed the November 20 meeting minutes.
e. Resource Sharing Workflows Workgroup
i. The November 7 meeting minutes have not been posted yet. H. Oliversen reported their next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.
f. ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup
Gannaway reviewed the October 2 meeting minutes. The group did not meet in
November because of a conflict with WLA.
5. Items from Clusters for initial discussion
6. Requests for New Service
7. Discussion
a. Approving additional formats for local holds
This discussion topic came from the November 12 Circulation Services
Subcommittee meeting. V. Teal Lovely sent out an email to this group with more
information last night. The Circulation Services members didn’t feel comfortable
making these decisions because they are not a complete representation of all
libraries. It was decided these decision should go to the IC instead because
it is truly a representative body of all member libraries. H. Oliversen, as
WID’s proxy, reviewed their request to have DVD7 day items eligible for Local
Holds parameters. E. Foley thinks it is more straightforward to have ILS Committee
deal with requests for adding new formats to Local Holds parameters. K. Hull
asked why this topic went to the CSS in the first place. After the Local Holds
Workgroup completed their work, the group was sunsetted. The Local Holds
Workgroup recommended that future requests should go to the CSS. The CSS already
approves item types and patron categories before they are sent to this group
for final approval. This situation is a bit more unique. The group agreed.
H. Oliversen, as WID’s proxy, requested that the members take WID’s requests
back to their clusters for discussion and bring the responses back to the
February 2025 meeting. ACL mentioned they are interested in adding their DVD7
items for Local Holds.
8. Plan for Next meeting: February 5, 2025 at 10 at SCLS Headquarters or virtually
a. Introduce new cluster reps
b. Cluster Rep Orientation
c. Discussion: Review 2025 calendar
d. Discussion: 2025 Draft Cataloging Agreement
e. Local Hold DVD format request (from WID)
9. Adjournment at 10:42 am
For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
ILS Committee/Minutes/12-2024