Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes
December 10, 2024, 9:00am
Present: Leah Bauer (POY), Elizabeth Clauss (CSP), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Melissa Roelli (MTH)
Excused: Amy Trumble (NGL)
Recorder: Tamara Ramski
SCLS staff present: Rose Ziech, Tracie Miller, Jean Anderson, Mark Jochem, Tim Drexler, Tamara Ramski
1. Call to order time 9:02 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors: None
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda:
i. An Idea Team report will not be given.
c. Requests to address the Committee: None
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: October 8, 2024
a. Changes or corrections: None
b. Approved by motion: Leah B., Leah F.
3. Action items
a. Decision on 2025 meetings to be hybrid or virtual
i. Proposed dates: Feb 18, Apr 8, Jun 10, Aug 12, Oct 14, Dec 9. (Feb 11 is Library Legislative Day.)
ii. Virtual platform will be Zoom.
iii. Motion: Dates and platform indicated above.
iv. Discussion: Both Leah’s agree Zoom is good for this committee.
v. Vote: All approved. No opposed.
4. Reports: None
5. Discussion
a. Projects approved by SCLS Foundation for 2025 (Jean)
i. The Foundation approved what was requested.
ii. If money is left at the end of the year, it will be put to the Advantage account.
iii. Jean with coordinate with Emily P. about using 2024 funds to purchase IPad for kits that need their IPads updated.
iv. Early 2025, purchases will be made for a book repair kit and escape room kit.
1. Jean will take suggestions on what to purchase.
v. DVD resurfacing machine kit may or may not be purchased, research on it needs to be done. It may have too many liquids to go through Delivery or keep stocked for the kit.
1. Leah B.-POY would like to have it available as a kit.
2. Elizabeth-It only needs distilled water and a paste.
vi. Let Jean know if there are other suggestions.
b. SCLS Kit Team update (Jean).
i. The team will be meeting again in January.
ii. Website pages have been updated, now titled “Kits and Equipment.”
1. Forms have been updated and re-organized.
2. Made most loan terms 14 days (some are as needed).
3. Calendars are going to be updated.
4. Renewal process needs to be determined.
iii. Elizabeth-Asked about a slide viewing kit.
1. Tamara, Jean, Melissa: Reported there is equipment in the Scanning Kit for digitizing slides. There is a small screen on the equipment for viewing slides. The kit does not project slides.
2. A slide projector kit is being repaired and will be made available.
c. Contact form ideas – no responses as of Nov 25.
d. Library visits-None.
6. Items from clusters
a. Elizabeth-Asked do any libraries circulate ice skates? Their library is next to a skating rink. Concerned about liability waivers. No one knew of any libraries that circulate skates.
i. Leah F.-DEE circulates Nordic walking sticks and pickle ball equipment. They do not require waivers to be signed. It is use your own risk.
ii. Tim suggested looking in DPI annual reports, under “Other materials”. The spreadsheet is searchable.
1. Tim has seen kayaks on the report. Jean reported that Rice Lake’s Public Library offers them in partnership with their Parks Department.
b. Tim-Met with the MPL data team about wireless sensors for people counting. Asked if this committee thinks people would be interested in it as a traveling kit.
i. A link to the Pearl Wireless People Counter was shared in chat.
ii. MPL is planning to put them in different spots like workstations, might get a grant to purchase them. Pat at MPL is the contact person about it.
iii. There is a cost to purchase plus a cost for software (subscription model).
iv. Melissa-MTH has a permanent people counter at their doors. They do not track data within the library. It could be interesting to have data on space usage.
v. SCLS does already have a circulating kit. Very basic technology. Uses a magnet to reset it. There is a small display of the number on the counter. It does not link to any software or apps.
1. Leah F.-They use the kit for two weeks each year to gather annual report data.
2. It left permanent Velcro marks on the walls at DEE.
vi. Things to consider: Portability, ease of set-up and use, costs, is it an improvement over the current kit or a duplication of it?
vii. Tim-Will keep in touch with Pat (MPL) about it. If they end up using it, they could answer some of our questions.
viii. Jean-This could be put on the Kit Team agenda.
7. Plan for next meeting: February 18, 2025, 9:00 am, Zoom
a. Reports
i. IDEA Team
b. Discussion
i. 2025 SCLS Foundation funds
ii. SCLS Kit Team update
iii. Contact form ideas
iv. Library visits
8. Adjournment: [time] 9:42
For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.