Collection Maintenance Subcommittee Minutes
January 8, 2025 at 9:30 am
Phone/video conference
Action Items:
The CMS recommends adding the new Collection Codes BAEA, BAEJFI, and BAEJNF.
The CMS recommends adding Streaming devices under PERM on the Levels of Cataloging Policy.
Present: Molly Warren (MAD), Tina Marie Maes (MAD), Keri Van Gorden (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Amy Lawrence (MCF), Theresa Skov (VER), Alison Wirth (STP), Sarah Bukrey (STO), Kate Hull (SUN), Nancy Kessenich (WAU), Kathy Baker (MFD)
Absent: Amanda Payne (POR), Laura Schmiedicke (MRO)
Excused: None
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Amy Gannaway, Kayla Linke
1. Call to Order at 9:31 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
c. Requests to address the Committee
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: November 13, 2024
a. Motion: K. Baker moved approval of the November meeting minutes. S. Bukrey seconded.
b. Discussion: none.
c. Vote: motion carried.
3. Action Items
a. New Collection Code requests:
i. BAEA, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED AD (Audio-Enabled Books) from STO
ii. BAEJFI, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED JU FIC (Audio-Enabled Books Fiction) from SUN
iii. BAEJNF, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED JU NFIC (Audio-Enabled Books Non-Fiction) from SUN
1. Motion: K. Baker moved approval of creating the Collection Codes BAEA, BAEJFI, and BAEJNF. M. Warren seconded.
2. Discussion: Currently, we just have a Juvenile Book/Audio-enabled Collection Code. Moving forward, we would move these items to the Juvenile Fiction code and then get rid of the Juvenile code. S. Bukrey asked if we should add Adult Collection Codes too? M. Warren is wondering about work for other formats such as Picture books. So far we’ve only gotten these code requests. T. Skov prefers less collection codes. STO is planning on purchasing more adult titles, but they are not sure how many. They haven’t done any promotion yet, but are planning to do some. K. Hull reported that SUN is looking at this for their upcoming expansion. They are thinking of shelving them separately and it’s modeled after how they treat books on CD. A. Gannaway reported we will continue to review collection codes and get rid of unused codes.
3. Vote: motion carried.
b. Change to Levels of Cataloging Policy
i. Add Streaming devices under PERM
1. Motion: T. Maes moved approval of adding Streaming devices under PERM on the Levels of Cataloging Policy. T. Skov seconded.
2. Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the current policy. SGR has a Roku they are interested in putting on a PERM record so their patrons can place holds on it. Can you add example for “Streaming device?” SCLS will add examples in the Linking Manual.
3. Vote: motion carried.
4. Discussion
a. Updates from previous meeting
i. Deleted Collection Code and Shelving Location
1. ELRM (Electronic Resource Music) – 0 items
2. CS (Civil Service Shelves)
3. Approved by ILS Committee 12/4/24
ii. Added Collection Codes
1. LPFIFA, LARGE PRINT FIC FANTASY (Large Print, Fantasy Fiction)
2. LPFIHI, LARGE PRINT FIC HISTORICAL (Large Print, Historical Fiction)
3. LPFIRO, LARGE PRINT FIC ROMANCE (Large Print, Romances)
4. Approved by ILS Committee 12/4/24
b. Merging older annual serials records
i. Discussion: We have done this before with annual serials. Some libraries keep these items for historical purposes and they don’t need to be on separate bib records after a while. Also, these items may use reference ITYPEs. ILS Staff would be merging annual serials from 2020 and older (i.e. AT&T yellow pages, etc.) A lot of these items are from MAD. T. Maes is reviewing these to determine if relabeling would be required before the records are merged.
c. Deleting MARC records for OverDrive magazines
i. Discussion: A. Gannaway reported that a few years ago, OverDrive added magazines. We got bib records from them for these items that were put in the catalog. The records that aren’t magazine records from OCLC have more information. We discovered some of them aren’t available anymore but we have not received instructions for deleting magazine bib records or for adding new magazine bib records. We contacted WiLS and they confirmed around 800 of these were deleted from OverDrive since February. We have no way to tell what bib records are no longer good (i.e. have dead links) or to delete the bib records other than one by one. A. Gannaway recommends that we delete all of the OverDrive magazine bib records. We are not sure how many patrons finding them in LINKcat because the majority of them go directly to Libby for magazines. The group is in favor of deleting these records. A. Gannaway will run a report and mark them withdrawn so they would be deleted toward the end of this month. An email will go out to link-cat email list.
d. Update on ILS Evaluation
i. Discussion: A. Gannaway reported that workgroup meetings are being scheduled. They will be reviewing a preliminary report and finalizing a recommendation for each module. We have reached out to schedule some virtual site visit for SirsiDynix. We will be getting quotes that will be reviewed by the lead workgroup. The Lead workgroup will make a recommendation in March and it will be presented at the All-Directors meeting. Directors will be asked to vote on this in May.
e. Other Bibliovation questions and discussion
i. Discussion: none.
5. Plan for Next meeting: March 12, 2025 at 9:30 am via phone/video conference
6. Adjournment at 10:25 am.
For more information about the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee, contact Amy Gannaway.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Collection Maintenance Subcommittee/Minutes/01-2025