Resource Sharing Workflows Work Group

February 6, 2025, 1 pm

Video conference


Meeting Documents:


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·       Passcode: 2YSb6YEn


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·       Meeting ID: 885 8158 0560

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1.     Call to Order


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: 12/5/2024


3.     Action Items


4.     Discussion

a.     Review sorter evaluation preliminary document and discuss next steps

b.     Discuss questions and/or site visits to library systems with central sorters (especially consortia)

c.      Review results of Post-It note study (Tim Drexler)

d.     Discuss transit slip pilot (for transit only and/or transit/hold slip)

                                                    i.     Discuss possible time frame for transit slip pilot, educational information to be provided to all libraries during this period and their options.  How screen will look, what libraries can do at each library, does this impact their workflow?

e.     Discuss possible “no Post-It note study”

                                                    i.     Discuss the “no Post-it note study” and what the particular parameters are

f.       Discuss potential costs differences between using Post-it notes and receipt paper.

                                                    i.     We will probably have good data after the transit slip pilot to provide some information i.e. how many slips were printed vs using Post-its; estimated costs per type, etc.  How many rolls of receipt paper does a library go through in a week just printing hold slips, payment receipts and checkout slips?  And did that significantly increase during the transit slip pilot?

g.     Next steps for workgroup


5.     Plan for Next meeting: March 6, 2025


6.     Adjournment



For more information about the Resource Sharing Workflows Work Group, contact Vicki Teal Lovely


Resource Sharing Workflows Work Group/Agenda/02-2025