ILS Committee Minutes

February 5, 2025, 10 am

1650 Pankratz Street

Madison, WI 53704

Hybrid Meeting = in person and using virtual Zoom option



Action Items:

The IC approved creating the new collection codes BAEA, BAEJFI, and BAEJNF.
The IC approved
adding Streaming devices under PERM on the Levels of Cataloging Policy.

The IC approved the revisions to the SCLS Guidelines for Registering Patrons.

The IC approved WID’s request to add DVD 7-day loan items as eligible for Local Holds parameters.


Present: Erin Foley, ACL (1), Debbie Bird, POR (2), Eddie Glade, STP (4), Lauren White, PDS (5), Kate Hull, SUN (7), Phil Hansen, FCH (8), Nate Snortum, DCL (9, 10), Molly Warren, Margie Navarre Saaf, Tina Marie Maes, MAD (11 -13)

Absent: Suzann Holland, MRO (3), Stacy Kundinger, ARP (6)

Excused: None

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen


1.     Call to Order at 10:02 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.

c.      Requests to address the Committee

                                                    i.     None.


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: December 4, 2024

a.     Motion: E. Foley moved approval of the December meeting minutes.  M. Navarre Saaf seconded.

b.     Discussion: none.

c.      Vote: motion carried. 


3.     Action Items

a.     The Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommends adding the new Collection Codes:

                                                    i.     BAEA, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED AD (Audio-Enabled Books)

                                                   ii.     BAEJFI, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED JU FIC (Audio-Enabled Books Fiction)

                                                 iii.     BAEJNF, BOOK/AUDIO-ENABLED JU NFIC (Audio-Enabled Books Non-Fiction)

1.     Motion: This motion came from the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee.

2.     Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the collection codes. 

3.     Vote: motion carried.

b.     The Collection Maintenance Subcommittee recommends adding Streaming devices under PERM on the Levels of Cataloging Policy.

                                                    i.     Motion: This motion came from the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee.

                                                   ii.     Discussion: A. Gannaway reviewed the suggested change under PERM on the Levels of Cataloging Policy.  This is similar to what we’ve done with mobile hotspots.

                                                 iii.     Vote: motion carried. 

c.      The CSS recommends revisions to the SCLS Guidelines for Registering Patrons.

                                                    i.     Motion: This motion came from the Circulation Services Subcommittee.

                                                   ii.     Discussion: The suggested revisions were provided in a document.  There were no questions.

                                                 iii.     Vote: motion carried.  The revisions will be sent to the Administrative Council for approval.


4.     Reports

a.     ILS Report

                                                    i.     V. Teal Lovely reviewed the December 2024/January 2025 ILS Report.

b.     Circulation Services Subcommittee

                                                    i.     H. Oliversen reviewed the January meeting minutes.

c.      Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the January meeting minutes.

d.     Discovery Interface Subcommittee

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the January meeting minutes.

e.     ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the December meeting minutes.

f.       Resource Sharing Workgroup

                                                    i.     V. Teal Lovely reviewed the December meeting minutes.

5.     Items from Clusters for initial discussion

a.     Adding DVDs to Local Holds. 

                                                    i.     Motion: E. Foley moves to add DVD 7-day loan as a format eligible for Local Hold parameters.   D. Bird seconded. 

                                                   ii.     Discussion: This was discussed at the December ILS meeting.  The CSS felt they were not the best group to approve new formats for Local Holds parameters.  They are not a representative body like the ILS Committee.  The subcommittees are made up of volunteers.  H. Oliversen asked members look at WID’s request to have DVD 7-day loan items eligible for Local Holds parameters.  ROM and ACL feel like we should be the group to approve these requests and both support this request.  Branch functionality is still not functioning so MAD has chosen not mark items as Local Holds.  They have patrons who visit multiple libraries and the Local Holds set-up limits by library listed as Owning library and doesn’t have the ability to limit to holds at all branches of a library.  PCPL applies Local Holds parameters to items at two branches but has scaled back.  Libraries are prepared to vote on this request today.  M. Warren pointed out that this does limit Resource sharing system wide.  V. Teal Lovely mentioned that Reduced Transportation Holds does help with resource sharing and perhaps the two offset each other.  Tim’s dashboard was updated in November 2024 and can be reviewed to see if we have any data that shows that Local Holds negatively affect Resource sharing.  V. Teal Lovely will follow up with the clusters that voted nay.  We do like to have consensus but it isn’t always possible.    

                                                 iii.     Vote: motion carried. (7 ayes, 4 nays) Cluster 8 (FCH) and 11-13 (MAD) voted nay.  Majority vote.  Motion passes.

6.     Requests for New Service

a.     None.

7.     Discussion

a.     Introduce new cluster reps/Cluster Rep Orientation

                                                    i.     Discussion: Stacy from ARP is new this year but isn’t here today.  She has already had the cluster orientation.  S. Schultz had something come up that requires her attention so she will be unable to give the orientation.  Does anyone else need the hear the orientation?  T. Maes does and V. Teal Lovely will contact her outside of this meeting to go over it. 

b.     Review 2025 Calendar

                                                    i.     Discussion: This has not changed since it was approved in December.  This is mainly for new members to become familiar with the meeting schedule. 

c.      2026 Draft Cataloging Agreement

                                                    i.     Discussion: V. Teal Lovely reported there no changes except the dates have been updated.  We are discussing the fees with MAD.  The final version will be available for approval at the April meeting. 

d.     Discussion regarding meeting format

                                                    i.     Discussion: We have been doing committee meetings in hybrid format and giving people the option to attend in person if they want.  The subcommittees decide how they want to meet and they have chosen to meet mostly virtually.  We can now extend this to the Committees.  The technology itself is not the best for hybrid meetings.  It’s difficult to hear and is much easier to login individually through your desktop computers.  Today the camera isn’t working.  We have a nice system but it can be quirky.  This group generally attends mostly virtual and the consensus was to meet virtually for the remainder of 2025.  We will add this topic to the discussion in 2026 to see if anyone is interested in scheduling an in-person meeting.

e.     Plan for Spring ILS Users’ Summit

                                                    i.     Discussion: This was discussed in the fall.  Spring doesn’t make sense to have an ILS Summit because of ILS Evaluation stage.  The Lead Workgroup will be presenting a recommendation at the March All Directors meeting.  At the May meeting, the directors will vote on the recommendation.  It makes more sense to host this later in the year when we will have more information.  The group was OK with postponing this. 


8.     Plan for Next meeting:  April 2, 2025 at 10 am at SCLS Headquarters or virtually

·       Discussion: Review service priorities for May All Directors; will not happen this year due to the ILS evaluation presentation.

·       Discussion: Preliminary 2026 ILS budget proposal

·       Discussion: Discuss possible summer or fall ILS Users’ Summit

·       Action: Approve 2026 Cataloging Agreement

9.     Adjournment at 10:50 am.



For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Committee/Minutes/02-2025