ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup Minutes

February 5, 2025, 11:30 am

SCLS Headquarters/Zoom

Action Items:



Present: Nicole Menzel (ROM), Debbie Bird (POR), Glade (STP), Emily Whitmore (SGR), Heidi Cox (MCF), Phil Hansen (FCH), Theresa Skov (VER), Nate Snortum (DCL), Margie Navarre Saaf (MAD), Molly Warren (MAD), Tom Campbell (MAD)

Absent: Suzann Holland (MRO)

Excused: Katherine Elchert (MCM)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen


1.     Call to Order at 11:31 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: December 4, 2024

a.     Motion: T. Campbell moved approval of the December meeting minutes.  M. Warren seconded.

b.     Discussion: none.

c.      Vote: motion carried.


3.     Action Items

a.     None


4.     Discussion

a.     Followup from previous meeting

                                                    i.     SirsiDynix site visits

1.     Discussion: We had trouble finding an accessible site using BlueCloud Circulation.  We did have a virtual site visit with Technical Services staff from Oshkosh, who are using SirsiDynix.  We mostly discussed Acquisitions but they talked about Cataloging as well (Oshkosh doesn’t use serials).  We received no response from Detroit Public to set up a virtual site visit for BlueCloud Circulation.  The circulation workgroup talked about it and decided it was OK.  The site visits are considered to be complete. 

b.     Timeline for evaluation recommendation

                                                    i.     Presentation at March All Directors Meeting

1.     Discussion: A. Gannaway shared the evaluation plan and reviewed the timeline. The module workgroup reports were prepared and emailed to this group.  A recommendation will need to come from this workgroup at the March meeting.  We have been asked to present it at the March All Directors Meeting.  Voting will be happening at the May All Directors Meeting.  We are looking for volunteers to present at the March 20th All Directors Meeting.  T. Skov volunteered for the TS perspective.  M. Navarre Saaf volunteered for the Circulation perspective.  E. Whitmore will help with Circulation and the Discovery Layer perspectives.  We will work out more details after we have a recommendation. 

c.      Topic Workgroup recommendation reports

                                                    i.     Discussion: These reports were emailed for confidentiality purposes (6 total). A. Gannaway said that each report listed some pros and cons for each product and then a recommendation. Some groups recommended more than one product, or ranked the products. M. Warren asked if the cons for different vendors were comparable. A. Gannaway stated it depended on the module. For the most part, other than Discovery Layer, the pros and cons are fairly comparable in that there are similar amounts of pros and cons between modules.  M. Navarre Saaf reminded us the pros and the cons weren’t weighted which might come out in the recommendation. 

d.     Vendor Viability summary

                                                    i.     Discussion: The Vendor Viability report was emailed to the group. T. Skov asked if there a reason why SirsiDynix kept all of their clients confidential.  Especially since we know some of them. V. Teal Lovely said SirsiDynix just said they don’t disclose customer information.  We have the information on customers, but we had to sign a confidentiality agreement.  We’re not sure why.  It’s a little odd but not important.  The summary of information we got from SirsiDynix, Polaris, and Bibliovation are in the report.      

e.     Lead Workgroup recommendation discussion

                                                    i.     Discussion: We will not share the direction this is going until March when we have a recommendation.  We would have a report similar to the workgroup reports with our recommendation.  A. Gannaway can draft something for the March meeting and send it out for review beforehand.  We conducted a poll among the attendees and everyone shared their picks.

f.       Preliminary cost assessment

                                                    i.     Discussion: V. Teal Lovely is still working through the cost details. We need to investigate this more and will have all the cost details available at the March meeting. 


5.     Plan for the Next meeting:  March 5, 2025, at 11:30 am at SCLS Headquarters or via Zoom.

a.     Recommendation for the March All Directors Meeting


6.     Adjournment at 12:26 pm


For more information about the ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup/Minutes/02-2025