Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

February 18, 2025, 9:00am



Present: Leah Bauer (POY), Laura Fuller (PLO), Elizabeth Clauss (CSP), Leah Fritsche (DEE)

Absent: Alicia Woodland (MCM), Melissa Roelli (MTH), Tim Drexler (SCLS)

Recorder: Tamara Ramski

SCLS staff present: Jean Anderson, Tracie Miller, Craig Ellefson, Mark Jochem, Rose Ziech, Shawn Brommer


1.     Call to order time 9:00 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None

c.      Requests to address the Committee: None


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: December 10, 2024

a.     Changes or corrections: None

b.     Approved by motion: Elizabeth, Leah B.


3.     Action items: None


4.     Reports (for Committees only)

a.     IDEA Team (Mark reported)

                                                    i.     Providing mini grants to libraries to work on inclusive service topics. Submitted a proposal to do a presentation about it at the WAPL conference for libraries to showcase what they are doing.

                                                  ii.     BIPOC Unconference May 20 at Olbrich Gardens.

                                                 iii.     Will be launching a statewide support network for BIPOC library colleagues.

                                                 iv.     If there are funds remaining (or next grant cycle) will plan statewide Indigenous education webinars, in collaboration with DPI, David O’Connor (DPI) consultant for Indigenous studies.

5.     Discussion

a.     2025 SCLS Foundation funds – might need suggestions for Escape Room kit props.

                                                    i.     Funds will be used for iPads, a book repair kit, and an escape room kit.

                                                   ii.     Escape room kit: SCLS will put the kit together, but need recommendations of what to put in the kit.

                                                 iii.      Let Jean or Rose know suggestions of what to include with the escape room kit.

b.     SCLS Kit Team update

                                                    i.     Jean: Met in January.

                                                   ii.     Rose displayed the updated Kits page on the SCLS website. The page, including calendars and reservations forms have been updated.

                                                 iii.     Must be logged in to view links to details and reservations.

                                                 iv.     Jean and Shawn are updating board book kits.

                                                   v.     Leah B.: Is there a process for renewal?

1.     Jean will confirm a process, probably send an email for that (not another reservation form).

                                                 vi.     Laura: Appreciates the changes.

                                                vii.     Leah: (From chat): So much more user friendly as far as ease of finding things, especially for browsing.

c.      Library Legislative Day recap, inspiration.

                                                    i.     Leah: It was the biggest turnout ever. Governor Evers, the State Superintendent and a couple of legislators spoke. Leah met with two legislators (both new this year). Both are library supporters. Both were aware there is a request on the next state budget for an increase of $2 million for libraries. There were discussions about Cottage Grove getting a library. One of the senators use to be on Village Board for Cottage Grove. Someone from Prairie Lakes lives in Cottage Grove. Senator Melissa, has been visiting libraries (but doesn’t always announce herself during a visit).

                                                   ii.     Mark: The atmosphere was positive. A senator mentioned library value calculators.

                                                 iii.     Jean: Visited two representatives and one senator. There were discussions about what systems do. How delivery works. One of the legislator’s staff members used early voting at a library and got library cards for their kids while there for the voting. Cottage Grove came up. One representative asked about potential impacts if libraries lose federal funding. Could impact things like CE grants, E-rate funding, and DPI/LSTA funding.

                                                 iv.     Craig: Meetings went well. Visited two representatives. 23 people attended the meeting for Senator Marklein. Marklein’s area covers 3 library systems. Marklein didn’t show up himself, the group met with his staff. The staff person had a lot of questions. The packet Jean provided was helpful with answering the questions, especially about Delivery. Overall, got a sense of their support. One legislator’s staff person was on Oregon’s building committee. Craig ran into Gov. Evers in a hallway.

d.     Contact form ideas: None received as of February 4.

e.     Library visits/updates from libraries:

                                                    i.     Elizabeth: Partnered with their rec dept on ice skate rentals. The library could only rent skates for use at the municipality rink because of liability coverage. The rink was only open for three weeks. CSP now has a ton of skates now and cannot use them (until next skating season).

                                                   ii.     Laura: Partnering with about 80 organizations on a federal grant, ADRC, to fight social isolation in rural communities. Putting on four massive events (in Rosholt, Almond, Junction City, and Plover). Rosholt had a bonfire and cross-country skiing. Getting positive feedback. Reaching non-library users and are promoting library card signups at the events. Communicating that the library is more than books. Also making connections with the partnering organizations for potential future collaborations.

1.     Jean: That could be a good WLA conference program (or WAPL next year). Could co-present with someone from ADRC.

2.     Events held at: Rosholt-Lions Camp. Plover-Farm and Food Expo (home of the world’s largest potato smasher). Almond and Junction City-will be in schools.

                                                 iii.     Elizabeth: CSP is putting on puzzle races. Does anyone in system have puzzle race kits, could libraries share the puzzles instead of buying new?

1.     Laura: Was also going to ask about this. They have a small budget for adult programs. Discussing having puzzle races on a limited budget.  

2.     Leah F.: DEE wants to do it too, but is not sure where to start. Having options to share would be great.

3.     Jean: Since SCLS wouldn’t purchase the puzzles, wouldn’t likely put it on the SCLS Kit page. SCLS could maybe facilitate sharing the kits somehow. Could maybe provide list of libraries with puzzles to share. Maybe similar to how YS big books (from Shawn), have been made available?

4.     Elizabeth: Could generic LINKcat records be created so the kits can be put on hold?

5.     Leah F.: Libraries could house their own puzzles. Requests would go to the library, but could SCLS keep a link with a list of people willing to share?

6.     Shawn: Big Book collection lived at Spring Green, had generic records. Sending puzzles with a lot of pieces is different than sending books, there is a lot to consider.

7.     Jean: Will add the topic to the Kit Team agenda.

8.     Elizabeth: Will send an email (system wide) to see if libraries might want to share puzzles for events.


6.     Items from clusters (for Committees only): None


7.     Plan for next meeting: April 8, 2025, 9:00 am, Zoom

a.     Reports:

                                                    i.     IDEA Team

b.     Discussion:

                                                    i.     2025 SCLS Foundation funds

1.     Suggestions for Escape Room kit props.

                                                   ii.     SCLS Kit Team update

                                                 iii.     Sharing puzzles for puzzle races

                                                 iv.     Contact form ideas

                                                   v.     Library visits/updates from libraries


8.     Adjournment: 9:49 am

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
