Circulation Services Subcommittee Agenda
March 11, 2025 at 9:30 am
Zoom session
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1. Call to Order
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
c. Requests to address the Committee
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: January 14, 2025
3. Action Items
4. Discussion
a. Revision of SCLS Guidelines for Registering Patrons. The revised guidelines presented and reviewed at the AC meeting 2/20/2025. There is no AC meeting in March, so it won't be voted on until the April AC meeting.
b. Reporting damaged, parts missing and defect reported problems. Getting owning libraries to record acknowledged condition issues on circulating items.
c. NR Non-Reciprocal patron category. This Patron Category was created to be used for patrons with a legal place of residence in Milwaukee County, which is the only county in Wisconsin that is not a reciprocal borrower or lender of materials. In recent years library staff have not been using this code – possibly because they don’t know to use it and possibly because the Category automatically charges the patron an annual fee of 40.00. In the past, most libraries using this code would write-off the 40.00 charge but some still charge their patrons and collect the money.
d. Patron records for part-time residents that own property in a SCLS County. The current practice is per library but many put the patron’s out-of-state (or out of SCSL) address in the main address fields and their local addresses in the Alternate Address fields. Proposal that libraries reverse this and place the local address in the main address fields. Causes less confusion when applying PSTATs and during PSTAT Verification processes.
5. Plan for Next meeting: May 13, 2025 at 9:30 am via Zoom session
6. Adjournment
For more information about the Circulation Services Subcommittee, contact Heidi Oliversen.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Circulation Services Subcommittee/Agenda/03-2025