ILS Committee Agenda

August 2, 2023

10:00 am



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1.      Call to Order

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda

c.       Requests to address the Committee


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: June 7, 2023


3.      Action Items

a.      The Circulation Services Subcommittee recommends creating the Patron Reading Retention Policy.


4.      Reports

a.      ILS Report

b.      Circulation Services Subcommittee

c.       Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

d.      Discovery Interface Subcommittee

5.      Items from clusters for initial discussion

a.      Cluster 2 - Progress and decisions/concerns regarding Sticky Holds and Talking Tech


6.      Requests for New Service

7.      Discussion

a.      Discussion: Plan for fall ILS Users’ Summit

b.      Discussion: Bibliovation Development Plan

c.       Discussion: Review marketplace reports for ILS software and peripheral software (committee members will report on new features and services found in the marketplace)

8.      Plan for Next meeting:  October 4, 2023 at 10 am at SCLS Headquarters or via phone/video conference

a.      Discussion: Review 2024 draft Technology Plan: ILS section

b.      Discussion: Review draft 2024 Meeting Calendar (change)

c.       Discussion: Prepare for fall ILS Users’ Summit


9.      Adjournment



For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Committee/Agenda/08-2023