ILS Committee Minutes

October 2, 2024, 10 am

1650 Pankratz Street

Madison, WI 53704

Hybrid Meeting = in person and using virtual Zoom option


Action Items:

The IC approved the SCLS 5 year plan goals (2025-2029).


Present: Debbie Bird, POR (2), Eddie Glade, STP (4), Katherine Elchert, MCM (6), Kate Hull, SUN (7), Phil Hansen, FCH (8), Nate Snortum, DCL (9, 10), Margie Navarre Saaf, Molly Warren, Tina Marie Maes, MAD (11 -13)

Absent: Erin Foley, ACL (1), Suzann Holland, MRO (3), Lauren White, PDS (5)

Excused: None

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen


1.     Call to Order at 10:03 am

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors

                                                    i.     None.

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda

                                                    i.     None.

c.      Requests to address the Committee

                                                    i.     None.


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: August 7, 2024

a.     Motion: M. Navarre Saaf moved approval of the August meeting minutes.  K. Elchert seconded.

b.     Discussion: none.

c.      Vote: motion carried.


3.     Action Items

a.     Approve 5 year plan goals (2025-2029)

                                                    i.     Goal I: Support member libraries’ changing technology needs

                                                   ii.     Goal 2: Increase access to all types of resources

                                                 iii.     Goal 3: Provide Technology Training opportunities for library staff

                                                 iv.     Goal 4: Design & maintain technology solutions that increase efficiencies, enhance security or allow for scalability

                                                   v.     Goal 5: Prepare the network infrastructure to meet the needs of libraries into the future

a.     Motion: M. Warren moved to approve the SCLS 5 year plan goals.  K. Hull seconded.

b.     Discussion:  The SCLS 5 year plan is a requirement for DPI and will take some time.  It has to be completed by the end of December and we hope to have this approved by our Board of Trustees at the November meeting.  Within the 5 goals, we must be able to fit all of our ILS and Technology projects in.  V. Teal Lovely reviewed the draft plan goals and examples for each.  The goals will work as a starting point to draft our 5 year plan.  We will share the plan with committee members when it is finished and ready to go to the board. 

c.      Vote: motion carried.


4.     Reports

a.     ILS Report

                                                    i.     V. Teal Lovely reviewed the August/September 2024 ILS Report.           

b.     Circulation Services Subcommittee

                                                    i.     Did not meet in September. 

c.      Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the September meeting minutes.

d.     Discovery Interface Subcommittee

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the September meeting minutes.

e.     Resource Sharing Workflows Workgroup

                                                    i.     V. Teal Lovely reviewed the September meeting minutes.  They met with PIN since the meeting to set up the parameters for the post-it note data sample.  T. Drexler was there was to help design the post-it data sample.  The pilot libraries will be BAR, REE, FCH, and MPL.  The group is meeting again tomorrow to talk about post-it study.  E. Glade mentioned he understands that using transit slips as hold slips would save time and paper.  However, he wanted to point out that it could be challenging getting all SCLS libraries to agree.  STP and branches don’t have a standard now because they put items on the shelf differently.

f.       ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup

                                                    i.     A. Gannaway reviewed the September meeting minutes.

5.     Items from Clusters for initial discussion

a.     None.

6.     Requests for New Service

a.     None.

7.     Discussion

a.     Review 2025 draft Technology Plan: ILS section

                                                    i.     Discussion: This is the SCLS 2025 Technology plan. It is designed to work with the goals of the SCLS Technology 5 year plan.  The draft is available online and new items are highlighted. This technology and ILS planning process starts at the March All Directors meeting when we ask for input from libraries.  We didn’t receive any this year.  Most of the items on here are from Tech and ILS staff.  V. Teal Lovely reviewed the ILS section with the group.  Libraries can still add items to this by emailing V. Teal Lovely.  ILS/Tech staff will need to vet any additions at this point. The final version will be voted on at the December meeting.

b.     Review draft 2025 Meeting Calendar

                                                    i.     Discussion: V. Teal Lovely reviewed the calendar highlights and changes.  This will be voted on at the December meeting.

c.      Discussion: Prepare for fall ILS Users’ Summit

8.     Plan for Next meeting:  December 4, 2024 at 10 at SCLS Headquarters or virtually

a.     Action: Approve 2025 Technology Plan: ILS section

b.     Action: Approve 2025 Meeting Calendar

c.      Action: Approve 2025 Bibliovation Development Plan


9.     Adjournment at 10:34 am



For more information about the ILS Committee, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.

SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


ILS Committee/Minutes/10-2024