ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup Minutes
September 4, 2024
Action Items:
Present: Nicole Menzel (ROM), Eddie Glade (STP), Heidi Cox (MCF), Phil Hansen (FCH), Theresa Skov (VER), Nate Snortum (DCL), Margie Navarre Saaf (MAD), Molly Warren (MAD), Tom Campbell (MAD)
Absent: Emily Whitmore (SGR), Katherine Elchert (MCM), Suzann Holland (MRO)
Excused: Debbie Bird (POR)
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway
1. Call to Order at 11:33 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting minutes: August 7, 2024
a. Motion: T. Skov moved approval of the August meeting minutes. T. Campbell seconded.
b. Discussion: none.
c. Vote: motion carried.
3. Action Items
a. None
4. Discussion
a. Vendor demo follow-up responses and form
i. Discussion: A. Gannaway has posted the vendor follow-up responses to the ILS Evaluation webpage (under Vendor Demo follow-up). Any videos from the vendors are also located on this page. If anyone still has questions after reviewing the follow-up responses, please submit the form. M. Warren asked if there was a way to determine if someone still need to submit a checklist. A. Gannaway email the workgroups about the links to the form response sheets.
b. Site Visits
i. Pewaukee, 9/17 (Leap)
ii. Beaver Dam, 9/24 (Leap)
iii. TENTATIVE Virtual: CCS in northern Illinois (Leap Serials and ACQ)
iv. TENTATIVE Virtual: Detroit (BlueCloud Circulation and Cataloging)
1. Discussion: The Polaris site visits have been scheduled. The in-person visits will be for mostly Leap Circulation and some Cataloging. A. Gannaway scheduled a virtual demo for Polaris Leap Technical Services for October 15 from 9-noon. This will be with CCS in Illinois. We will create a more detailed schedule and share it with the workgroups. A. Gannaway has also emailed Detroit. She hasn’t heard anything back but will follow-up. It has been difficult to find a library within driving distance that is actually using BlueCloud Circulation or Cataloging. Libraries near us are still using the Workflows software.
c. Discovery Layer demos
i. Aspen Discovery, 8/29 2pm
ii. Bibliocommons, 9/4 9am
1. Discussion: The Bibliocommons demos happened right before this meeting. A. Gannaway will post the recording and announce it via email. The Aspen vendor recording has been posted. These two Discovery Layers could potentially be used with Bibliovation if we decide not to migrate. This will be included in the viability part of the investigation.
d. Topic Workgroup meetings for November/December
i. Discussion: We will be scheduling meetings with the topical workgroups in November/December for the topical workgroups. These meetings will give us a chance to see where people are at and pull together the information that we have.
e. Questions
i. Discussion: none.
5. Plan for the Next meeting: October 2, 2024, at 11:30 am at SCLS Headquarters or via Zoom
6. Adjournment at 11:49 am
For more information about the ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
ILS Evaluation Lead Workgroup/Minutes/09-2024