Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

August 10, 2021



Action Items: None

Present: Mehta Hess (MFD), Kris Houtler (REE), Nathan Rybarczyk (BAR), Renee Daley (ROM), Nicole Ozanich (STP), Leah Fritsche (DEE), Alex LeClair (LDI)

Recorder: Tamara Ramski


SCLS staff present: Jean Anderson, Shawn Brommer, Craig Ellefson, Jody Hoesly, Mark Ibach, Mark Jochem, Tamara Ramski, Rose Ziech


1.      Call to order time: 9:01am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None

c.       Requests to address the Committee: None


2.      Approval of previous meeting minutes: June 8, 2021

a.      Changes or corrections: None

b.      Approved by motion  Mark Ibach, Kris (REE)


3.      Action items

a.      Hybrid meeting option for October meeting

                                                              i.      Discussion: Should meeting be 100% virtual or a hybrid of in-person and virtual?

                                                             ii.      Feedback: Leah will be happy to see everyone (even masked).  Kris-virtual has worked well with this group, but coming to Madison is always fun. Nicole-concerned about how the equipment works for hybrid. It is important that everyone can be heard.

                                                           iii.      The meeting will be hybrid.

                                                           iv.      Craig-working on improving audio quality (for virtual meetings) in SCLS meeting rooms. Will be testing equipment.


4.      Reports (for Committees only)

a.      Social work intern cohort

                                                              i.      Mark J., Shawn, and Mark I. met with representatives from the UW Madison and UW Stevens Point Schools of Social Work about hosting interns.

1.      SCLS will host the intern, the intern will work with a cohort of libraries (one intern may be at multiple libraries). If a library wants an intern of their own, the library can be the host.

2.      Details about the services the intern will provide are still being developed.

3.      Jean is coordinating a webinar for October 6 at 1pm with Field Placement Coordinators.

4.      A survey will be sent to libraries to determine who is interested in having a social work intern.

5.      Goal is to have interns available in spring 2022.


5.      Discussion

a.      Kwik Trip coupons

                                                              i.      Mark I.-Per a SCLS Foundation member, there may be free drink coupons available from Kwik Trip. Would SCLS libraries be interested or have any reservations about partnering with Kwik Trip?

1.      Nicole-Would the coupons be available system-wide? Would every library have the same incentives or will libraries be asked on individual basis if they have use for them? Could include them with take & make or other kits that are being handed out.

2.      Renee-They have used coupons provided by their local Kwik Trip for adult program prizes. It was nice.

3.      Leah-Could see using them for adult programming (winter reading program).

4.      Alex-Kwik Trip is a hub of communities, it could be good to partner with them.

5.      Kris-It would be good to benefit from their generosity and to test their generosity too.

6.      Shawn-Kwik Trip has not been used for system summer reading program incentive, but some libraries may have used local Kwik Trips. They get thousands of coupons from Pizza Hut for summer library programming.

                                                             ii.      Mark I. will have a SCLS Foundation Board member reach out to Kwik Trip to see how many coupons may be available and when.

1.      If the number of coupons is limited, it may not be worth pursuing.

2.      It will need to be determined if the coupons are tied to anything specific (like adult reading programs) or just given to libraries for them to determine how to distribute them.


b.      Visiting libraries project

                                                              i.      Report on visits done (written reports and photographs were posted to Google):

1.      Alex-Visited Columbus. Met with Lindsey and had a tour. Discussed things they do well and their challenges. Some of Lindsey’s challenges are the same as Alex’s, some are different. Space limitations is a commonality. Alex found their take & makes and promotion space innovative.

2.      Kris-Visited Sauk City. Took a self-guided (impromptu) tour and followed up later with Emily. Found it interesting how they used an older/existing building and turned it into a library. Their library of things is innovative.

                                                             ii.      Visit suggestions

1.      Kris-Encouraged LIS committee members and their library staff to visit libraries, either planned visits or spontaneously while traveling.

2.      Kris-Her library director has taken all staff (and Friends members) on visits to other libraries. The visits resulted in them getting ideas to implement in their own library, like signage, puzzle tables, and storage improvements.

3.      Alex-Taking photographs helped remind him of things that came up at the visit and having them to share is useful.

                                                           iii.      What should be done with information gathered from visits?

1.      Photos from multiple libraries could be grouped by topic to see how things are being done in creative ways.

a.      Where are the photos housed, are they captioned, can they be searchable? Mark J-Use something like Pinterest.

b.      Libraries could contribute their own photos (vs photos obtained by an outsider visiting a library).

2.      Member “feature” on SCLS website or Online Update

a.      Kris-A featured library would be great. Could start with COL (by Alex) or SKC (by Kris). It may spark other libraries to want to be a featured library and supply photos of innovative stuff they do.

b.      Mark I. provided options:

                                                                                                                                      i.      Online Update article with about 500 words written by whoever visits the library. Can add photos and a link to the library website.

1.      Mark I.-Will having to write an article prevent people from doing visits?

a.      Alex-Maybe just filling out the report is enough.

b.      Kris-Will people take the time to read an article, is a brief report better?

                                                                                                                                     ii.      A posting in Top 5.

                                                                                                                                   iii.      The SCLS website. All articles will be in the same place. Easier to find than if dispersed in multiple Online Updates.

                                                                                                                                   iv.      Approval from the director of visited libraries should be obtained before information is shared.

c.       Alex-Might be good to wait until five visits are done and a few more are ready to go. Then post a new one over consecutive weeks.

3.      Alex-Give presentation and have discussion about visit findings at an All Directors meeting or WLA conference. 

                                                           iv.      Future visits:

1.      Mehta-Wisconsin Rapids

2.      Kris- Rock Springs

3.      Alex-Wisconsin Dells


6.      Items from clusters (for Committees only): None


7.      Plan for next meeting: October 12, 2021, 9:00am (Hybrid)

a.      Update on the social work intern cohort

b.      Update on Kwik Trip coupons

c.       Library visit project:

                                                              i.      Reports on new visits.

                                                             ii.      Follow-up on what should be done with information gathered from visits?

1.      Member Features, Online Update, Top 5, SCLS Website.

2.      All Directors Meeting presentation and discussion.

3.      Track innovations to make them actionable at other libraries.

                                                           iii.      Determine a framework for sharing, tagging, and organizing photographs.


8.      Adjournment: 10:00 am-Kris (REE), Craig

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.

Library Innovation Subcommittee/Minutes/2021-08