Library Innovation Subcommittee Minutes

June 11, 2024, 9:00am



Action Items: None

Present: Leah Fritsche (DEE), Leah Bauer (POY), Caitlin Opatik (REE), Elizabeth Clauss (CSP), Amy Trumble (NGL), Melissa Roelli (MTH), Laura Fuller (PLO), Brenda Massei (MNT)

Recorder: Tamara Ramski

SCLS staff present: Jean Anderson, Rose Ziech, Shawn Brommer, Mark Jochem, Tim Drexler, Tamara Ramski

1.     Call to order time 9:03 a.m.

a.     Introduction of guests/visitors: None

b.     Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None

c.      Requests to address the Committee: None


2.     Approval of previous meeting minutes: April 9, 2024

a.     Changes or corrections: None

b.     Approved by motion: Mark, Leah B., all approved.


3.     Action items: None


4.     Reports

a.     IDEA Team

                                                    i.     Jean: The 2023-2024 grant cycle is ending. A recording of an event by Dr. Alonzo Kelly will be available on the IDEA Team website. The event was a condensed version of what had been presented at an in-person event. Two follow-up sessions (online) are being held today. They will not be recorded.

                                                   ii.     Jean: The new grant cycle begins July 1. Grants up to $1000 will be available to pay for DEI consulting. Applications are now open and will be taken quarterly.

                                                 iii.     Mark: An event focusing on BIPOC library staff member services is being planned for spring 2025. There will be a compensated advisory group planning it. The event will be in-person, likely in March or April of 2025.

5.     Discussion

a.     Kits

                                                    i.     Rose: Internally SCLS staff has a kit team working on refining the internal processes for maintaining the kits.

                                                   ii.     Rose: Demonstration videos. SCLS staff are not prepared to lead the charge on this at this time. If library staff wants to do it independently, SCLS staff could support it/post the videos. SCLS staff may eventually do it, after the kit team moves along in their charge.

1.     Melissa volunteered to make video once it is decided which kits need it.

                                                 iii.     Jean: Asked for recommendation for a name that could encompass all the various kit types and purposes.

1.     Melissa, Leah F., Caitlin, Laura like just “Kits.”

2.     Leah B. As long as all kits are listed in one place, it doesn’t matter as much what they are called.

                                                 iv.     Updating kit contents and promoting kits: Will be on future agendas.

                                                   v.     New kit requests (book repair kit): Will be on future agendas.

b.     Library visits

                                                    i.     Brenda: Went to Iceland. There are only eight or nine libraries in the entire country. They are mostly in Reykjavík, few in the smaller communities throughout the country. Signage was in English and Icelandic. Her husband said “no matter where you are in the world a library is a library.” Brenda will share photos for Rose to post to Google Drive.

                                                   ii.     Melissa: Visited Yellowstone/Tetons. Purchased Smokey the Bear souvenirs to use for their summer program theme and to share with her co-workers. A salesperson told her “it is nice to see a librarian let loose sometimes.”

                                                 iii.     SCLS staff will be scheduling annual visits to libraries.


6.     Items from clusters: 

a.     Melissa: MTH had 450 attend their SLP opening program yesterday (most ever).

b.     Leah: DEE had a nice start for their sign ups.

c.      Brenda: There is major road construction in front of their library. So far, patrons are still coming. They did a mobile library in the park by the pool. Was successful, had check-outs from there. Taking the mobile library to the historical society next week and will tie in to the location by promoting the Ancestry database. They will keep doing this outreach if it is successful, highlighting a different topic at each location visited.

d.     Jean: Always keep subscribing to the Ancestry database. The price will go up if you leave and come back. Make sure patrons are aware what databases are available.

e.     Brenda: MNT has “live play” Candyland set-up in their library. The Elkhorn library lent it to them for free. Includes hand sewn (squares) floor pieces and artwork. SCLS Delivery said they are a fun library!

f.       Jean: SCLS Foundation Funds, if available for 2025, will be discussed at a future meeting. Start thinking of ideas. Their use must benefit all SCLS member libraries. Suggestions can be submitted through the SCLS LIS form.

g.     Brenda: MNT is planning a murder mystery. Mark suggested it could tie into a true crime podcast.

                                                    i.     Elizabeth: Held a true crime event, it was not popular. Looking to do more podcast discussions. Would like to de escape room events-without doing a big commitment for the set-up.

                                                   ii.     Melissa: MTH    did a murder mystery play as well as an escape room and they both were HUGELY popular.

1.     Suggested program names: True Crime and Craft / Whomadeit/Crime and Crochet

h.     Elizabeth: CSP is hosting the library’s birthday party in July with music, games, and cake. Asked, how to plan for the amount of cake?

                                                    i.     Melissa: Recommended keeping the cake design neutral. Freeze it and use for other events.

i.       Tim: Shared a data dashboard with per capita service measures from annual reports. Can select any library and service measures or types of population. Can view 5 year trends. Can compare by state/system/locale.

                                                    i.     Tim would like feedback on making it better.

1.     Leah F, It looks useful.

2.     Melissa: It is great.


7.     Plan for next meeting: August 13, 2024 (Zoom)

a.     Reports:

                                                    i.     IDEA team

b.     Discussion:

                                                    i.     Kits

1.     SCLS Kit Team

2.     Demonstration videos

3.     Updating kit contents and promoting kits

4.     New kit requests (book repair kit)

                                                   ii.     Library visits

                                                 iii.     Uses for potential 2025 SCLS Foundation funds


8.     Adjournment:  9:45 a.m.  Melissa, Leah B., all approved.

For more information about the Library Innovation Subcommittee, contact Rose Ziech.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
