Local Holds Workgroup Notes
May 3, 2022, 10:30 am
Phone/video conference (Zoom)
Action Items:
Present: Jill Porter
(MFD), Megan Statz (PDS), Eddie Glade (STP), Erin Foley (ACL), Margie Navarre
Saaf MAD (11-13), Molly Warren MAD, Renee Daley (ROM), Kendra Kimball (WID),
Susan Lee MAD, Heidi Cox MCF. Michael Spelman (MAD)
Absent: None
Excused: Bailey Anderson (BER), Nate Snortum (DCL)
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi Oliversen, Tim
1. Call to Order at 2:35 pm.
a. Introduction of guests/visitors. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting notes: N/A
3. Action Items
4. Discussion
a. Charge:
i. Examine the issues with allowing a local holds only policy and provide information and/or data to address issues and questions throughout the pilot process.
1. Discussion: V. Teal Lovely came up with a rough draft for the charge. We don’t need to finalize it today. E. Glade asked if we will be setting up pilots. Yes. The group will work through the project and prepare information to share at the June ILS meeting. The IC will vote on whether or not to move forward with the project. M. Navarre Saaf said the workgroup will address questions and give information to libraries. V. Teal Lovely will revise the charge based on the recommendations at this meeting and send this out via email to the group. We can approve/refine it at the next meeting.
b. Roles of SCLS Participants:
i. Decision is up to libraries
ii. SCLS staff coordinate process, facilitate during meetings, listen, assist with language, adjust policies, documentation and training as necessary. We may make some initial suggestions as a starting place for discussion.
c. Goals:
i. Identify issues and identify ways to address them, including data (by June ILS Committee meeting)
1. Survey member libraries: https://forms.gle/XiQLSSPhaNVUnFBw7
ii. Set timeline for proposed pilot:
April 6, ILS Committee discuss project and approve
forming a work group
Form work group to identify issues to study (including
· May 3, Work group meets
· May 10, Circulation Services Subcommittee: discuss parameters for pilot
· May 19, All Directors—update on project
· June 1, ILS Committee vote on pilot project (June 15 through December 30)
· If pilot is approved, the project progresses as follows
· Recruit pilot project participants and begin setup
· June 15, Pilot project begins
· Work group continues to meet to study issues through November 30
· July 21, All Directors—update on project
· October 5, ILS Committee decides if vote should be done by ILS Committee cluster reps at November 17 All Director’s meeting or December 7 ILS Committee
· November 17 All Directors meeting: Work group provide information on project
· November 17 or December 7 vote
· December 30, pilot ends
iii. Identify parameters for proposed pilot present to (Circulation Services Subcommittee)
1. All libraries or some libraries
a. SCLS suggests all libraries participate
i. Discussion: Having all libraries participate in the process would give us cleaner data but we are aware that there is some opposition to this. The group mentioned that libraries who have these oppositions would benefit from being a part of the pilot to help make the decision about whether or not this would be a beneficial practice. Libraries will be given the opportunity to opt out.
2. Select new titles or all new titles
a. SCLS suggests a select group of titles with an identified “normal” group of titles for comparison
i. Discussion: H. Cox asked if we have a criteria on which titles to choose? No. There are so many variables within that and we need a limit to be able to compare. It would be great to get a sample for all ranges of demand. Smaller libraries find it frustrating to check in new stuff and 2/3 of it is going out to other libraries to fill holds. Can we ask what other library systems what they do? How would we measure of success? If libraries are getting their newer titles faster than they were. MAD – are they lending to our branches, other libraries, keeping everything at home. Data point – how many of their materials stayed at home to fill holds/walk-in check outs.
3. All formats or select formats
a. Discussion: SCLS is suggesting a mix of popular books and DVDs. How would be handle patron complaints? ACL doesn’t get many complaints, but thinks the counties with more internet access would probably get more complaints because they use catalog and can see where copies actually are. V. Teal Lovely mentioned that we know patrons typically place holds based on first title they find. Most don’t look at who owns the copy. How do we collect data on patron’s frustration?
4. Length of loan (Item loan type)
a. Discussion: The parameter that has been suggested by some libraries is 14 days
5. Length of time materials are held for local holds
a. 30, 60 or 90 days (Reduced Transportation holds is 60 days)
i. Discussion: This topic has been discussed in quite a few places (All Directors, AC, IC). These choices are based on what we’ve heard other libraries mention. Can libraries use their Walk-in collections for this? Should this even be part of this project? It would made data harder to measure. It may be too soon to discuss some of these parameters. We need to do survey first and get a list of the issues, questions, concerns, etc. from libraries. V. Teal Lovely shared the survey. MFD says that a better explanation of local holds only is needed as compared to a walk-in collection. What items will be included? MFD – is ok with 90 day or 60 days. MCF – 60 days. 30 days isn’t enough time to test the project. We will work on survey a little more and send it out to the group to look it over again before we send it to library directors.
5. Plan for Next meetings (two): V. Teal Lovely will pick the dates and we will send out the Zoom invitations. At the next meeting, we will drill down to what data will help us. We will speak with T. Drexler internally about what data we already have.
a. May 10, 1-2:30 pm (clusters not represented 4, 6, 9/10)
b. May 12, 1 pm (clusters not represented 5, 7)
c. May 17 10:30 am (clusters not represented 6, 8, 11-13)
d. May 24, 10:30 am (clusters not represented 6, 7)
e. May 24, 1 pm or 2:30 pm (clusters not represented 6, 9/10)
f. Topics:
i. Review parameters discussion from 5/10 Circulation Services Subcommittee
ii. Review survey results (set due date)
iii. Identify top concerns and top benefits
iv. Identify data points
v. Prepare information for ILS Committee
6. Adjournment at 3:55 pm
For more information about the Local Holds Workgroup, contact Vicki Teal Lovely.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Local Holds Workgroup/Notes/5-3-2022