Local Holds Workgroup Notes

December 6, 2022, 11 am

Phone/video conference


Action Items:



Present: Erin Foley (ACL), Lindsey Ganz (COL), Eddie Glade (STP), Meagan Statz (PDS), Nate Snortum (DCL), Molly Warren (MAD), Susan Lee (MAD)

Absent: Kendra Kimball (WID), Jill Porter (MFD), Heidi Cox (MCF), Margie Navarre-Saaf (MAD), Michael Spelman (MAD)

Excused: Renee Daley (ROM), Bailey Anderson (BER)

Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)

SCLS Staff Present: Heidi Oliversen, Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Tim Drexler


1.      Call to Order at 11:05 am

a.      Introduction of guests/visitors.  None.

b.      Changes/Additions to the Agenda.  None.

2.      Approval of previous meeting notes: 11/1/2022

a.      Motion: The November meeting minutes were approved by consensus.

b.      Discussion: none.

c.       Vote: motion carried. 

3.      Discussion

a.      Update from libraries

                                                              i.      Discussion: Libraries in Adams County are worried that the Local Holds project will not pass and their patrons are excited about seeing new items on the shelf.  V. Teal Lovely said we are definitely striving for a consensus and an understanding among libraries.  There are members of this group working on coming up with compromises so more libraries would be on board.  H. Oliversen followed-up with MFLS and WVLS after our last meeting.  Milwaukee County does require libraries to purchase a circulating copy if they have a Lucky Day item.  Wisconsin Valley does not require libraries to also purchase a circulating copy if the item fills local holds. However, if a library want to provide a Lucky Day copy that doesn’t fill any holds, they are required to purchase an additional copy that is eligible to fill any holds.  If the item is new, it is acceptable for it to be limited to Local holds. 

b.      All Directors – presentation re-cap

                                                              i.      Discussion: Workgroup agreed that the presentations went well and there was some good discussion.  More questions came out of it.  A few libraries made a point to mention they really liked T. Drexler’s dashboards.   

c.       Data update https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/scls/viz/LocalHoldsPilotProjectMetrics/WeeklyCirc

                                                              i.      Discussion: T. Drexler displayed the latest version of the dashboard and it has been published.  This version includes November data.  MAZ asked for a differential between fiction and non-fiction, so he created a view that splits that out.  T. Drexler reviewed the various dashboard views and encouraged people to explore.  There was no significant change in Circulation statistic so far caused by Local Holds except for the increase in checkouts by own collection (for items with LH parameters).  He also displayed a series of dashboards related to holds (average days holds filled, split between pilot and non-pilot libraries).  Please let him know if you have any questions. A member mentioned that the pandemic caused delays from publishers and distributors (that still seems to be a factor) and that these delays can also affect our data by potentially increasing the amount of time it takes to fill a hold. 

d.      Attending cluster meetings and listening sessions

                                                              i.      Discussion: V. Teal Lovely said the next phase is to spread the information as far as we can.  She would like to attend Cluster meetings and has been working with SCLS Consultants about which ones to attend.  She is planning to attend the Green, Dane, Columbia and Sauk County January meetings.  She is hoping that members of this workgroup could attend their county meetings.  She will reach out to workgroups members and cluster representatives individually.  She plans to talk about the information shared at All Directors and updated data.  She will also be sharing some of the compromises M. Navarre Saaf presented.  Adams County and Portage County member libraries are in agreement about Local Holds, so they don’t need SCLS staff to attend their county meetings. SCLS will host some webinars/listening sessions with the people who gave presentations at All Directors.  All Directors votes have mainly been for fiscal decisions and that’s why we use a weighted vote.  Most other decisions should go to the ILS Committee with the goal of getting consensus.  Counties must come to a consensus first.  We’ll be talking about this at IC meeting tomorrow.  SCLS thinks we should do the vote at an IC meeting instead of an All Directors.      

4.      Action Items

a.      None.  

5.      Review Timeline

1.      April 6, ILS Committee discuss project and approve forming a work group

2.      Form work group to identify issues to study (including data)

3.      May 3, Work group meets

4.      May 10, Circulation Services Subcommittee: discuss parameters for pilot

5.      May 17, Work Group meets

6.      May 19, All Directors—update on project

7.      May 24, Work Group meets

8.      June 1, ILS Committee vote on pilot project (June 15 through December 30)

9.      If pilot is approved, the project progresses as follows

10.  Recruit pilot project participants and begin setup

11.  July 1, Pilot project begins

12.  Work group continues to meet to study issues through November 30 March 7, 2023

13.  July 21, All Directors—update on project

14.  October 5, ILS Committee decides if vote should be done by ILS Committee cluster reps at November 17 All Director’s meeting or December 7 ILS Committee

15.  November 17 All Directors meeting: Work group provide information on project

16.  November 17 or December 7 vote March 2023 vote

17.  December 30, pilot ends February 28, 2023 pilot ends

6.      Plan for Next meeting:  January 3, 2023 at 11 am via phone/video conference

a.      Ideas from cluster meetings or listening sessions?  Unlikely we’ll have this information by then.

b.      Data update.

c.       Recommendation wording will be finalized at the February meeting.


7.      Adjournment at 11:55 am


Parking Lot:

a.      Marketing / Talking points for patrons—done for pilot; tabled for now

b.      Data—tabled for now


For more information about the Local Holds Workgroup, contact Heidi Oliversen.


SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Local Holds Workgroup/Notes/12-06-2022