Local Holds Workgroup Notes
March 7, 2023, 11 am
Phone/video conference
Action Items:
The Local Holds Workgroup recommends that Local Holds continue to be an option for interested LINKcat libraries. Materials that will be immediately eligible will be new Adult books. Requests to expand the types of materials eligible for Local Hold parameters will be submitted to the Circulation Services Subcommittee and ultimately sent to ILS Committee for approval. The rules and procedures under which the local holds operate will continue to be monitored and modified by the Circulation Services and Collection Maintenance Subcommittees as appropriate.
Foley (ACL) Cluster 1, Renee Daley (ROM) Cluster 1, Meagan Statz (PDS) Cluster
5, Bailey Anderson (BER) Cluster 8, Margie Navarre-Saaf, Molly Warren, Susan
Lee, (MPL) Cluster 11-13
Absent: Kendra Kimball (WID) Cluster 2, Lindsey Ganz (COL) Cluster 2, Eddie
Glade (PCPL) Cluster 4, Michael Spelman, (MPL) Cluster 11-13, Nate Snortum
(DCL) Cluster 9-10, Jill Porter (MFD) Cluster 6, Heidi Cox (MCF) Cluster 7
Excused: None
Recorder: Michelle Karls (SCLS)
SCLS Staff Present: Heidi Oliversen, Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Tim Drexler
1. Call to Order at 11:05 am
a. Introduction of guests/visitors
i. None.
b. Changes/Additions to the Agenda
i. None.
2. Approval of previous meeting notes: February 7, 2023
a. Motion: M. Warren moved approval of the February meeting notes as amended. E. Foley seconded.
b. Discussion: E. Foley reported a typo that will be fixed right away. The next meeting date listed was incorrect but it was corrected before the meeting today.
c. Vote: motion carried.
3. Discussion
a. Reports from libraries.
i. Discussion: E. Foley reported ACL staff noticed a Local holds movie at MFD that did have non-Local Holds settings. They assume it was added and later had Local Holds added to it. H. Oliversen has noticed some errors as well. Some libraries change the ITYPE but forget to take off the Local Hold Item note. B. Anderson reported that her patrons are still loving Local Holds. R. Daley reported that ROM has a lot of snowbird patrons and they are loving that new books are on the shelves for them to checkout. ROM has many patrons that have a home there and in Madison. ROM staff asked if when a patron checks out a Local Holds item and they return it to another library, does it go back into general circulation? Yes. We discovered this during the pilot. Remote Transportation Holds (RTH) will trump local holds at the checkin location. These two functionalities were not designed to work together. Ideally, it would go straight back to owning library but does not because of RTH. We have no plans to change this functionality at this time (see previous minutes). M. Warren had a question about wording for the proposal. Will there be information shared about how this is ongoing (not ending at Feb 28)? This date was set when thought the vote would be at All Directors in March, but this has since been changed to the April IC meeting. The motion and proposal will be for the IC meeting in April. V. Teal Lovely said the discussion at the October 5, 2022 IC meeting was it didn’t make sense to stop libraries if there was a chance it was going to pass. We will make project parameters clear in the proposal.
b. Discuss draft of proposal for continuation of this service option if approved by the ILS Committee at the April 5th meeting. Finalize proposal/recommendation.
i. Discussion: H. Oliversen shared the motion that we made at the last meeting. She also displayed the proposal she sent out to the group for review. B. Anderson asked if the idea is to expand to other materials in the future. Yes. E. Foley was wondering about the workflow for dummy records. This is in progress and being practiced in the sandbox. We will get the dummy items instructions out to libraries if the proposal is passed. Collection Codes should be changed to the type of material (Adult fiction and Adult non-fiction). We do not want to limit it to specific collection codes because libraries may use more granular codes to break out their adult materials. If this is approved, any library can start with these types of materials. The group wanted to add “materials immediately eligible for Local Holds will be new adult books.” We will add “as appropriate” at the very end. Patrons can’t place holds on BIB records with only Local holds items attached, will that affect the Purchase Alert Reports? The dummy item will allow any patrons to place holds on these BIB records. The final workgroup came up with the revised proposal via consensus: The Local Holds Workgroup recommends that Local Holds continue to be an option for interested LINKcat libraries. Materials that will be immediately eligible will be new Adult books. Requests to expand the types of materials eligible for Local Hold parameters will be submitted to the Circulation Services Subcommittee and ultimately sent to ILS Committee for approval. The rules and procedures under which the local holds operate will continue to be monitored and modified by the Circulation Services and Collection Maintenance Subcommittees as appropriate. H. Oliversen will send a new copy with the revisions to the group and ask for input. We hope to get consensus on this by the end of this week.
c. Discuss presentation of proposal at All Directors meeting March 16.
i. Discussion: B. Anderson will present the proposal at the March All Directors meeting. T. Drexler will also be doing an update on data.
4. Action Items
a. None.
5. Review Timeline
a. February 28-pilot project research end date.
b. March 16- All Directors meeting
4-Local Holds/Use Workgroup meeting
d. April 5-ILS Committee meeting
for Next meeting:
April 4, 2023 at 11 am via phone/video conference – The April 4th
meeting will be cancelled. We might not meet again unless the vote doesn’t
carry. We will decide after vote if we need to meet again.
7. Adjournment at 12:08 pm
Parking Lot:
a. Marketing / Talking points for patrons—done for pilot; tabled for now
b. Data—tabled for now
For more information about the Local Holds Workgroup, contact Heidi Oliversen.
SCLS staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
Local Holds Workgroup/Notes/03-07-2023