Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup
March 2, 2021, 1 pm
Phone/video conference
Campbell (MAD), Kathy Wolkoff (MEA), Eric Crow (MTH), Autumn Baumann (POR),
Chris Baker (POR), LuAnn Kranz (DFT), Judy Taft (ACL), Rebecca Swanson (FCH),
Laura Dewey (ORE), Heather Garvey (SUN), Nate Snortum (DCL), Sarah Bukrey
(STO), Brendan Faherty (MID), Katelyn Van Lankvelt (SKC), Alison Wirth (STP),
Katrina Linde-Moriarty (MNT).
Norton (MCM)
Karls (SCLS)
Staff Present: Vicki Teal Lovely, Amy Gannaway, Heidi
Oliversen, Kayla Linke
Call to Order 1:04 pm
of guests/visitors
to the Agenda
to address the Committee
Approval of previous meeting notes:
Action Items
Examine the pros and cons of making a change to the current policy
of circulating all parts of multi-part DVD sets separately to circulating them
as a set.
Reach a decision on whether or not to continue circulating all
parts of multi-part DVD sets separately or to circulating them as a set.
of SCLS Participants
is up to libraries (workgroup operates under consensus)
staff coordinate process, facilitate during meetings, listen, assist with
language, adjust policies, documentation and training as necessary
of Workgroup
Examine the pros and cons of making a change to the current policy
of circulating all parts of multi-part DVD sets separately to circulating them
as a set.
Determine how each member of the workgroup feels about circulating
all parts of a DVD set together is a good thing or not.
Reach consensus regarding whether or not making a change to the current
policy of circulating all parts of multi-part DVD sets separately to
circulating them as a set.
Present recommendation to ILS
Committee at the April 7 meeting
April 7-June 1, ILS Committee
cluster reps discuss proposal at cluster meetings
June 2, ILS Committee votes on
recommendation (policy)
June 2- ILS staff adjusts
documentation and training materials (would not affect retroactive issues)
We decided to extend the process to
take as long as we need to research the issues and make an informed decision
Rio and Marshfield: would need to
(potentially) repackage materials to match how they are already in the system.
They will need to package these materials to match what is in the system
of issues
- It will be more confusing to
patrons because it is only for new items
- Circulation will decrease
- These items currently have a 7 day
loan period; this may need to be changed and may need to create new
- Currently, when one disc is done,
it can be checked in and made available to the next patron; changing
this may result in longer wait times for holds
- Define materials: children’s,
adults, TV series, etc.? All multi-part DVD sets.
- Proposal that went to the committee
was for TV series
- Current policy has some exceptions,
such as the Criterion materials
- Currently, any Teaching Company
materials that are already in the catalog may be done differently for
new materials depending on packaging (this is an exception and is rare)
- If this goes forward, can an
individual library go back and redo them?
- People are more used to
binge-watching series and the current practice does not facilitate
- Libraries will need to deal with
different package and storage systems
- If a disc is lost, and it can’t be
replaced will the set need to be removed
- If a disc is lost, the whole set
does not need to be replaced; other discs can continue to circulate
(lower costs)
- Libraries may circulate an entire
season by purchasing a second set and circulating it as a walkin
- Full seasons on a single bib record
will get “swallowed up” by bigger libraries and will take longer to get
through holds. These will not be available in libraries for browsing as
they will be out filling holds.
- Patrons have a difficult time
managing holds for an entire season when broken out by individual discs;
episodes come out of order unless you suspend and release them
- Suspending holds to keep sequence
of episodes increases wait time and workload on staff, delivery and
- Patrons will sometimes refuse to
take a hold when they discover it is an episode out of order
- Patrons are frustrated when they
can’t get the entire season when browsing to check out
- Changing to packaging as a set
would save on shelving space and costs of cases
- Changing packaging is not an issue
for larger libraries
- Many patrons are seniors and would
appreciate the seasons circulating together; younger patrons are likely
to stream the entire content from the internet
- Patrons can only stream if they
have internet access (location dependant)
- Browsing the TV series in a library
with the possibility of checking out an entire season would draw more
patrons to local collections
- SCLS already circulates some series
together--example the Honorable woman with 3 discs (clarification: this
was a miniseries which did circulate separately and then the rules
change; there are still older miniseries in the system which circulate
- If we currently are missing a
specific disc, we can submit an OLL request to another system and they
typically provide the entire season
- Changing to packaged together would
streamline OLL practice on the lending side (from SCLS libraries to
other system libraries); currently if a library wants season 6, then
SCLS OLL staff need to request all parts and determine if they can be
loaned; if parts are lost, they need to invoice for multiple libraries;
getting all parts back takes staff time. Borrowing from other systems is
also an issue because we get the whole season even when a patron wants
only one disc. They have to decline requests when a particular disc is
missing. Many systems do not loan AV through ILL.
- What would the charge be for lost
items; now it is per item, but would it need to be for the whole set if
one disc is lost?
- Since circulation has decreased
anyway, this may be good timing to do something else that impacts
- Biggest reason to make the change
is for patrons; give the people what they want in this era of streaming
- Cataloging issue: No BSE is created
for sets at the time or order; records for sets aren’t created until the
item is in hand. If these were packaged as sets, a BSE could go into the
system for that set and patrons could see it and could start placing
- When a patron has checked out a
series and a disc stops working, they will need to return the whole set
and would prefer to just get the one disc that isn’t working.
- If sets are packaged together,
there may be a tendency to package the materials in the packaging they
come in and it is usually terrible.
- There may be additional cataloging
and packaging issues with very large sets; for example there may be sets
that have discs from one season and cross over into another
- In current practice, when a certain
number of discs for individual episodes are lost and a full season can’t
be put together, is there a process to say that everything should be
- If this is not retroactive, how is
it made clear in the catalog that they are getting one disc in a set or
the entire set?
- People use libraries to get things
that are harder to find for streaming. A 5 disc case takes up less space
than 5 slimline cases and a library may be more likely to retain
- In some libraries, space is not as
much of an issue as it is for others.
- Most sets come in packages that are
solid and could be put on library shelves.
- Patrons are already waiting a long
time to get an entire season of discs in order.
- Patrons will be able to place more
holds as a set is reflected by one hold, not many.
- Make the process as easy as
possible for patrons. Right now there is a lot of friction to the
- Making a change like this during a
time like this (pandemic) may be more difficult for patrons
- Should we try both ways? Would this
be (even) more confusing?
- Can searching across sets be less
Steps: ILS Staff will compile the pros and cons, prepare a draft survey/straw
poll for libraries, and send to group members for feedback. We will contact
other systems about how they handle these materials.
What do patrons want?
Would knowing that patrons would prefer to have TV series packaged
together, change a library’s preference in another direction?
What do other systems do?
- Do you
circulate TV series as sets or each disc separately?
- How long
do you circulate TV series for?
- What do
you do with a set when a disc is missing?
- Does the
size of the set impact the way it is circulated? (do you break up any
- Have you
ever considered separating discs in sets or do you wish that they were
- Do you
know of vendors that will do single disc replacements?
- If one
disc in a set is lost or damaged, do you charge for the replacement of
the entire set?
- Do you use
the original packaging that a set comes in, or do you repackage the
- Are youth
multi-part TV series packaged differently and/or circulated with
different loan periods than adult materials?
Straw poll of LINKcat libraries:
Provide lists of pros: do you believe these are positive? Click
all that apply.
Cons: do you believe these are a problem? Click all that apply.
Would you vote yes or no to combining discs in a set?
What are your top two reasons for this choice?
for Next meetings:
We will conduct a doodle poll of possible meeting dates after the survey closes
(meet sometime in early April).
more information about the Multi-part DVDs Packaging Workgroup, contact Vicki
Teal Lovely.
staff are available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer
questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.
DVDs Packaging Workgroup/Minutes/03-02-2021