Technology Committee Minutes

October 5, 2022 1 p.m.

Remotely via Bluejeans and in person

Action Item: None

E. Foley (1), J. Bailey (2),  L. Schmiedicke (3), S. Kucher (5), J. Holmes (7), B. Anderson (8), N. Snortum, (9-10), P. Garvey, C. Davies, L. Schneider (11-13), M. Van Pelt, V. Teal Lovely
Excused: C. Danner (4), R. Mader (6)

Chair: V. Teal Lovely; Notetaker: H. Moe; Facilitator:  M. Van Pelt

Call to Order: 
V. Teal Lovely called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

    1. Introduction of guests/visitors: None
    2. Changes/Additions to the Agenda: None
    3. Requests to Address the Committee: None

Approval of previous meeting minutes: 6/1/2022

a. Motion:  J. Holmes moved approval of the 6/1/2022 minutes.  N. Snortum seconded.

b. Discussion: None

c. Vote: Motion carried.

Action Items: None

Requests for New service:  None

            a. Review draft 2023 Technology Plan:  V. Teal Lovely reviewed the 2023 Technology Plan.  There was no        discussion.

            b. Review draft 2023 Meeting Calendar:  V. Teal Lovely reviewed the 2023 Meeting Calendar.  There was no             discussion.


a. Technology Report – you may review the reports online. 

Items from Clusters: None


Plan for next Meeting:  December 7, 2022

a.       Action: Approve 2023 Meeting Calendar

b.       Action: Approve 2023 Technology Plan


SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.


Adjourned at 1:23 pm.


TC Minutes 10-5-2022