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Continuing Education Grants Application & Award Process

  1. Requests for funds must occur before, not after, the event begins.
  2. Complete the CE Grant application form or Training Grant application form. The form may be completed online, signed electronically by the applicant and director, and sent to the SCLS Continuing Education (CE) Consultant via email from the library director. Forms may also be printed and sent in delivery.
  3. SCLS CE Consultant reviews the grant for eligibility.
  4. SCLS CE Consultant notifies you of approval.
  5. SCLS CE Consultant processes a payment request form for the next SCLS Board of Directors.
  6. Payments will be made to the library, not the individual requesting the grant.
  7. While grant requests are accepted anytime during the year, grant payments will be made during the same calendar year as the event occurs. For example, individuals may apply for a grant in November to cover the cost of attending a UW-iSchool Continuing Education class that begins the following January. Payment for the grant won't be made until after the January SCLS Board meeting.
  8. Deadlines: Completed grant applications should be submitted by the third Wednesday of each month in order to be considered for payment the same month (submit by the middle of January to be approved for late January payment, etc.). Exceptions: when the requested event occurs in the next calendar year, payment will also occur in the next calendar year; and when the SCLS Board Meeting is changed due to a holiday.


Grant Approved Procedures:

  1. Checks for grants approved by the Board will sent in delivery the week after the SCLS Board Meeting (fourth Thursday of each month).
  2. All grant recipients must complete and submit a CE Grant evaluation form or Training Grant evaluation form within 30 days of the program's completion.  The information provided in the evaluation may be used for an article in Online Update, to recommend programs to fellow members, or to identify future CE program presenters.   Grant recipients may also be asked to participate in workshops sponsored by the system or its member libraries on the subject of the program, or to be available for consultation by telephone or in person.
  3. Recipients of grants who do not complete an evaluation will receive a reminder notice (or two, if necessary) and will be ineligible for future grant awards until this obligation is met.


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