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Collection Maintenance Subcommittee

Collection Maintenance Subcommittee (CMS) meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of every other month. The meetings begin at 9:30 a.m. The meetings will be held virtually unless otherwise noted. Minutes from these meetings will be distributed to the link-cms email list. 


Amanda Payne (POR), Molly Warren (MAD), Tina Marie Maes (MAD), Keri Van Gorden (MAD), Sarah Hartman (MID), Laura Schmiedicke (MRO), Amy Lawrence (MCF), Theresa Skov (VER), Alison Wirth (STP), Sarah Bukrey (STO), Kate Hull (SUN), Nancy Kessenich (WAU), Kathy Baker (MFD), Kayla Linke (SCLS), Amy Gannaway (SCLS).


The purpose of the Collection Maintenance Subcommittee is to maintain the integrity of the LINK bibliographic database. To this end, it shall formulate guidelines and procedures for the use of the acquisitions, serials and cataloging modules of the shared ILS, shall formulate guidelines for shared collection development and maintenance, shall study bibliographic database problems and shall maintain and enforce an effective reporting system to identify input errors, problems, etc. The Committee will make recommendations to the SCLS ILS Committee concerning these matters. The committee shall be composed of staff members from a minimum of 5 LINK libraries, including a representative from the cataloging agency, with no more than 4 representatives from Madison Public Library. A variety of sizes of libraries should be represented.

Type of committee
Reports to: ILS Committee
For more information, contact