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SCLS Network PC Updates

SCLS generally deploys critical Windows patches and other software updates overnight to minimize the amount of disruption to staff and patrons.  PCs and laptops should be kept powered on at night for updates to install during the maintenance window.  Monitors may be powered off to reduce power consumption.

The chart below will give you general guidelines for making sure your devices receive updates.


Staff Desktop Deskbound at library
  • Keep powered on every night.
  • Log out of Windows at end of the day.
9:30PM - 7:00AM
Staff Laptop Deskbound at library
  • Keep powered on every night with power adapter or dock.
  • Log out of Windows at the end of the day.
9:30PM - 7:00AM
Staff Laptop Roaming device at library, no permanent location
  • Leave powered on at night with power adapter.
  • Log out of Windows at the end of the day.
9:30PM - 7:00AM
Staff Laptop Home or other remote location
  • Connect to the SCLS network via in-library staff wireless or VPN frequently.  Your device will download and stage updates ahead of time for installation during the Maintenance Window.
  • Keep powered on a couple nights per month with power adapter or dock.
  • Log out of Windows.  You do not need to be connected to the VPN at night, unless instructed by SCLS.
9:30PM - 7:00AM
Patron Desktop Deskbound at library
  • Keep powered on every night.
9:15PM - 7:30AM
Patron Laptop Deskbound at library
  • Keep powered on every night with power adapter or dock.
9:15PM - 7:30AM
Patron Laptop Power charging cart
  • Keep powered on every night and connected to cart power source.
  • Make sure the cart is in close proximity to a wireless access point.
9:15PM - 7:30AM
Patron Laptop Laptop bag or bin
  • Keep powered on at least a couple nights per month with power adapter.
9:15PM - 7:30AM
For more information, contact: