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MyPC and Papercut


What is MyPC?

MyPC is time management software for public access computers. There are 36 SCLS libraries participating in MyPC.

MyPC system-wide settings
Blocking use based on fines No blocking based on fines
Max booking time per day 240 minutes
Max bookings per day Unlimited
Number of days patrons can book in advance 7 days
Number of days library staff can book in advance 120 days
Max number of outstanding bookings 4
Inactivity Timeout (Amount of time a PC is idle before being locked) 5 minutes
Lock timeout (Amount of time for a locked session, whether initiated by a patron or after Inactivity Timeout is reached) 10 minutes
Warning messages 10 min, 5 min, and 3 min before end of session



MyPC for patrons
MyPC for staff

Contact SCLS for help with:

  • holidays
  • schedule changes
  • settings changes
  • updating your Acceptable User Policy
  • anything not listed above in the documentation!
What is Papercut?

Papercut is a print management system for public access computers. There is an option to integrate PrinterOn for printing from wireless devices.

Papercut URL
Papercut for patrons
Papercut for staff
Getting help with Papercut and printing

If you experience trouble with the coin tower/CPAD, an easy troubleshooting step is to power cycle it:

  1. Unplug both power cables
  2. Count to 5
  3. Plug both power cables back in and wait several minutes for it to power up

If the problem persists, contact the appropriate organization for support (see below for details). If you are uncertain about who to contact, call the SCLS Help Desk.

For questions or problems related to the Papercut software
(ex. patrons can't log in, software spins and spins, print jobs are stuck)
For problems with the coin tower or touchscreen hardware
(ex. won't accept bills, won't accept change, CPAD touch screen will not respond)
  • Madison locations - contact Pat or Lucas
  • other Print Management libraries - contact TBS
For more information, contact: