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Total Checkout by PSTAT

How often

Run on: First business day of the month

Run for: The previous month

About the report: Total checkouts by the library where the item was checked out broken down by the patron statistical class (PSTAT). There is a column for each library and columns with the totals for each county, the totals for all Madison and all Portage County libraries and all of LINKcat as well.

PLEASE NOTE: These reports also include subtotals by County, including a breakdown of circs by patrons living in a municipalities that support a library [with LIB] and patrons living in municipalities that do not support a library [NO LIB].   When totaling circs by PSTATs be careful not to include the Subtotal counts along with the individual code counts - you will duplicate your circ statistics.

Report year: 2025

Total Checkout by PSTAT Reports for 2025